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[V7E10 Spoilers] Volume 7 Episode 10 Review

And so we come to the final four! Today's episode marks the final month of Volume 7, and like every Volume before it, this year is only ramping up the intensity. We're going to follow the episode's example and race towards the excitement in today's review!

Episode 10: Out in the Open

Instead of opening on a visual, the episode engages us with sound first. We hear the chaos of Mantle before we can see it. The opening thrums of a cello immediately put us on edge and set the tone for the following sequence. The wide shot that follows encapsulates a dozen different scenes of danger and despair. Unlike the attacks at Argus or way back at the Breach, this episode spends a good long while showing us the terror of a Grimm attack from the perspective of Remnant's ordinary citizens.
Our view focuses on a single street where a few Atlas soldiers actually manage to slay some Beowolfs and allow a few innocents to retreat. However the situation is fleeting, and as the Grimm pour in from the side streets behind them, the soldiers all eventually fall. The battle in the air is equally chaotic. Squadrons of Mantas unleash their missiles at airborne Grimm, even as a few members of the flight are engulfed in flame. I regret using the term "hellscape" so much in my reviews these past months, because only now does it seem to truly apply.
The camera brushes past the oncoming Grimm and assumes an "over-the-shoulder" position behind a crowd of scared civilians before finally cutting on a shot of the Megoliaths pouring through the hole in the outer wall. This long take is easily my favorite single cut in the entire show. We go from a wide establishing shot to a turbulent and hectic display of heroics before assuming the POV of the very citizens our heroes are fighting to protect. We've seen the Grimm attack settlements, and several in the community even commented on the Grimm's perceived impotence, but this episode's opening establishes quickly and clearly that the Grimm are to be underestimated at one's own grave peril.
Our heroes enter the scene just as a lone Sabyr descends on a Faunus family. Nora enters like an action hero, and the Grimm is quickly slain, but the gang's smiles are quick to fade; all victories are fleeting tonight. Elsewhere, Blake lures a Megoliath and several smaller Grimm into position, dodging lunges with several different dust-fueled shadow clones. Blake leads the Grimm right into Elm, who proceeds to YEET THE MAMMOTH 30FT IN THE AIR HOLY SHIT. A few timed charges from Yang seal the deal, but every team is already breathing heavy. Speaking from experience, nothing tires you out as quickly or thoroughly as sustained combat. Yang voices her concern that the Mantle shelters won't be large enough to protect all the civilians, reminding everyone of the larger battle being fought.
Clover and Qrow coordinate the fight from a rooftop, but a sudden call from Ironwood redirects the two Huntsmen to parts unknown. Without further elaboration, the two veterans leave their post. At the outer wall, civilians are running out of escape routes. Several are literally backed against a wall, and as Nora turns to assess the situation, both she and the viewers are treated to a panning shot of the rest of Mantle's districts turning red. This camera angle expertly puts us in the shoes of Nora and the other Hunters, making the accusations that follow hit even harder. The civilians start to panic, and Nora tries to allay their concerns, but there's just too many worried citizens. Just as the crowd seems on the verge of rioting, Robyn appears across the city's countless screens.
Collected and sympathetic, Robyn heralds the start of Ironwood's groundbreaking message, confirming it's validity with her Semblance. As Ironwood starts to speak, the din of battle falls away, giving the General's words room to echo. Ironwood quickly names Salem as the Grimm's ultimate master, and highlights her goal of dividing and demoralizing humanity. Robyn cuts in to name Watts and Tyrion as the perpetrators of Mantle's murder spree and the heating grid's failure. Ironwood starts to build up steam again, bolstering the population and calling for everyone to unite and fight back together. The General's normally stoic facade starts to break as he grows more emotional and empowered. For all his lack of pomp, Ironwood is not without passion.
The General confesses to diverting supplies to the Amity Project, and announces the new CCT is ready to launch. Finally, Ironwood tells the frightened masses that his air fleet will be diverting from Amity to evacuate everyone to Atlas. Nora turns to see the once scared crowd cheering, and finally the episode's tone seems to change.
Plenty of characters get smaller moments during Ironwood's speech. Ren gets to use his new grappling cables to deliver some Death from AboveTM while Jaune manages to just shove an entire charging Sabyr against a wall. Blonde boy is stronk. Vine uses his Semblance to part an oncoming tide of Grimm against the sides of a street, and Jaune even gets a small leadership moment. Using his kid-shepherding skills from primary school, Jaune tames the panicked adults and reassures the scared kids into an orderly evacuation.
Elsewhere in the city, our villains have their own reactions to Ironwood's speech. Neo and Cinder sit stunned in their hotel room as Watts and Tyrian are named, while Watts himself can't understand how Ironwood hid Amity from him. Josh Grelle takes the cake for his performance, however, as Tyrian screeches with sudden anger, unable to comprehend how the Grimm unified Salem's enemies. Watts once again proves his plotting skills, and quickly adjusts to the change in circumstances. Seeing a weakness, Watts tells Tyrian that "our tin soldier's heart has cost him his mind," and asks him to distract Atlas forces in Mantle for as long as possible. As Robyn reassures the civilians in sector 17 that she'll personally assist them, Tyrian sees his own chance to exploit the heroes.
Back in the Hotel Room, Cinder's nearly as angry as Tyrian. Cinder says she "can't believe those idiots beat us here," that "Vacuo was the next target," and that Salem's "timeline has changed." Now looking worried, Cinder confirms that Neo saw Oscar holding the lamp, then sends her to retrieve it. Neo protests by way of adopting Ruby's image, but Cinder only reacts by getting angrier. "We get what I need first! Then we get what we want!" Neo pouts, but Cinder just smiles, telling Neo that Ironwood's predictability is going to lead them right to the Winter Maiden.
There's a lot of subtext in this scene, which helps us understand the duo's objectives. Cinder knows securing the Relic will ingratiate her to Salem, and so she sends Neo to accomplish this first. Meanwhile, Cinder has her own goal of accumulating the Maiden mantles. Finally, when she's finished her other tasks, Cinder will pursue her grudge with Ruby. However, things aren't so simple for Neo. Cinder's behavior demonstrates repeated hints of the arrogance that has characterized her since Volume 2. Her failure at Haven has made her cautious, but she still responds to disobedience and non-compliance with anger, and she still considers Watts and Tyrion, who have until recently been single-handedly toppling a government, to be idiots. Cinder still classifies everyone around her as either incompetent pawns, pathetic weaklings, or enemies to defeat. Her casual assuredness as she takes Neo's Scroll shows how little Cinder values the opinions of others.
Neo is understandably shocked and angry. Neo's own motivations don't extend past revenge, and Cinder may be the best vehicle available for that revenge, but Cinder's own behavior shows that there is no love lost between them. Other gestures like rolled eyes, rocked hips, and the quick, unprepared catching of a thrown Scroll show that Cinder still only barely respects her own ally. Given this rift, I doubt Neo has given up on her own revenge against Cinder. She just may have to wait a little longer for it.
Back in Mantle, the evacuation is in full effect. As citizens are loaded, we hear a deep rumble and see a streak of green light fly across the sky. At another landing site, we hear a second boom, followed by a delayed streak of flying green light. Just as Ruby and Harriet are bringing their own group of citizens to their LZ, we finally see the source of the noise. Standing between them and safety is an elder megoliath, bristling in rage. The build up to this Grimm's reveal is handled superbly well. Like earlier in the episode, we hear the Grimm before we see it. We also get enough clues to start asking questions, but the answers come quickly enough so as to not slow the episode's pacing down. By the time the giant Grimm is revealed, we already know that our heroes are about to fight a mini-boss of sorts, and that Penny will be key in taking it down.
The fight begins and Penny and Harriet quickly engage. Ruby stays back, closes her eyes, and begins to meditate like she learned in Volume 6. A leitmotif of Indomitable clues us in that she's trying to draw on her Silver Eyes. Unfortunately, the distractions of the larger conflict make focusing not practical, and Ruby starts to fight conventionally. In a rather gutsy move, Penny tries to grapple with the titanic Grimm. However, the elder megoliath is no Bullhorn, and Penny is flung away by her own strings. Ruby rushes to help, but Penny's cheery response tells us there's nothing to worry about. When the two reengage, it's with a plan in mind.
Harriet tries to stall the Grimm, but she's a lightweight in a heavyweight fight. Penny squares off and pins the goliath down with a beam attack, all while subtly super-heating a section of the Grimm's tusk. Suddenly, Ruby swoops in, severs the heated tusk, and with Penny's help, trips the gigantic Grimm onto it's own spear. The entire sequence happens fast, but the double-impact of the Grimm's final fall sells both the physical and narrative weight of the impact. Fun fact, lots of martial art movies use the same technique, showing the same hit twice, to give viewers more time to process the blow and thus equate it with more importance.
With the mammoth defeated, the cowering citizens are quick to cheer for Penny, restoring her reputation as the "Protector of Mantle." Penny signals Robyn that their evacuation site is clear, and the show once again uses radio transitions to transition between scenes. Robyn is finishing her own duties, and sends her Huntresses away while she searches for stragglers. Her isolation reminds us of Tyrian, and we trope-savvy viewers think we know what's coming when Tyrian emerges from the shadows. Tyrian thinks that he's cornered Robyn into one of the 1v1 fights he's so good at, and chooses to gloat a little to Robyn. His showboating gives Clover and Qrow enough time to spring their trap, beginning the reveal of the episode's twist.
Amidst Mantle's chaos, a single Manta slips away to Amity Colosseum. In contrast the overbearing cacophony of Mantle, Watts walks through the unfinished corridors of the stadium in silence. He's slightly hunched, looks almost underwhelming, and has only the howl of the wind and the hollow echos of his own footsteps to accompany him. He reaches the main arena, and remarks that the actual communications tower looks far from finished. Suddenly, security shutters spring to life, trapping Watts in the center ring. It takes a comparatively long time for them all to close, however, which gives the viewers more time to appreciate the build up to Ironwood's entrance. Once again, we hear Ironwood before we see him, though when the General does appear, he's grinning like the cat who caught the canary, and his bombastic theme music is swelling to life behind him.
Finally, Watts recognizes Ironwood's trap, and turns to face the General as he enters the ring. However, Watts is far from frightened, and uses his rings to interface with Amity's network, activating the ring's biome system. Ironwood tries to outright shoot Watts, but the hacker blocks the bullet on a small hardlight buckler. Just as the General becomes the fourth member of the "Use Adult Words" club, the biome roulette wheels stop spinning. In the episode's final shot, the Tetris-shaped platforms of the Gravity Dust biome rise from the stadium's innards. Watts draws his own weapon, a rather archaic looking revolver, and confidently tells Ironwood that he won't go down without a fight.


This week's RWBY content is a transitional episode brilliantly disguised as a combat episode. Salem's secret is out, the Grimm are being fought directly in Mantle, civilian evacuations are underway, and most importantly, all of the major "duels" are now set up and ready to start. By taking the time to tie up some of the smaller plot threads, the combat heavy end of this Volume can dedicate it's focus to the smaller, more plot-critical fights that RWBY is famous for. That's not to say everything's resolved; we still have three episodes left. There were three episodes between Penny's death and the Volume 3 finale, and many important story beats still happened in that time. Without knowing what lies ahead, I would instead say that Volume 7 has reached it's climax. All the factions (save Cinder) are known, and everyone is on a collision course with each other. Next week's fights will start determining which side claims victory for the whole volume.
If the last episode was the heroes finding their footing, this week shows them throwing their first punch. They've taken direct action before, but now their conflicts are coming into the open. This episode was great on my first viewing, but it wasn't until my second watchthrough that I fully appreciated the ingenuity of Ironwood's plan. First, the General played to his strengths as the defender. He generally knows what the villains are after, but they could use their secrecy to approach their objectives from any angle. To successfully flush Watts and Tyrian out of hiding, Ironwood needs to give them clear paths to their goals without making the opportunities so obvious that the villains will suspect a trap. To do this, he plays on their own expectations, while at the same time showing how far he's come as a character. He also knows they work well together, and wisely separated his bait so as to isolate each villain before crushing them with overwhelming force. This is how you show Ironwood is a tactically competent general.
Ironwood's most consistent character trait has always been his dedication to those he protects. He took direct approaches to problems, making hard choices regardless of the consequences. It's what caused him to bring his fleet to Beacon in Volume 2, and why he spends the time after Beacon edging closer to authoritarian rule. That is the Ironwood that the world has always seen, and after Ironwood's change in Volume 7, it's a view that's now outdated. Ironwood has learned to trust in others, to share his load and rely on his friends to help him. Now that he doesn't have to do everything alone, he can trust others to do their part in stopping Salem. He trusts the citizens to resist Salem's influence, he trusts that Robyn, Qrow, and Clover can handle Tyrian, and he trusts that he can dedicate his full attention to kicking Watts' smug ass. I'll expand on this in the predictions section, but tying Ironwood's impressive deception into the Volume's main theme makes the payoff even more satisfying.
Similarly satisfying is Ironwood's speech to the kingdom. Ever since he announced his plan at the beginning of the Volume, I knew the reveal was going to be significant, but I really enjoyed how Ironwood presented his case. He outlined Salem in broad strokes, but he didn't try to hide information. He emphasized unity and coopeation, and as he did so his own professional demeanor gave way to a barely contained battle cry. Ironwood does care deeply about his people, and that is the side of James Ironwood that the Kingdom got to see.
Finally, I have to say a word about the cinematography and filmcraft in this episode. The CRWBY really pulled out all the stops, from subtle musical cues and using sounds to foreshadow, to the truly astounding camera work throughout this entire episode. What started as a humble passion project on a shoestring budget now demands both your attention and respect. The professional care and attention to detail is on full display, and I am fully confident that if nothing else, the final three episodes of Volume 7 will be similarly well-made. Everyone on the production team, from voice actors and animators to rigging artists, writers, and storyboarders deserve a round of applause.


This Episode contains a lot of obvious clues and a few subtle hints at what may be coming, so I'm going to approach more certain topics first and tackle my more wild theories at the end.
Obviously we've got a few fights coming next week. First and foremost is Clover, Qrow, and Robyn vs. Tyrian. This fight has been partially foreshadowed by the opening since V7E1, and every pro Hunter present has a good mix of ranged and melee options. The fight itself will be in an alleyway, which is both visually distinct from Amity and focuses on a simplified, more confined style of back-and-forth combat. Of course, all bets are off if Tyrian turns tail and runs or if the fight spills out onto the rooftops of Mantle. First impressions tell me that Tyrian is about to have a bad time. His Semblance largely negates the numerical advantage the heroes enjoy if he can quickly eliminate a few combatants, but the combination of both Clover's good luck "buff" and Qrow's bad luck "debuff" tip the odds heavily against Tyrian. I've talked in previous reviews about how I don't think Clover is a traitor, so I don't think he'll turn on Qrow and make this a 2v2, but his absence in the opening could indicate he'll be the first fighter disabled by Tyrian. Either way, while I think Tyrian can put up a good fight, I think it's more likely he'll try to flee. He's too outnumbered to be able to cleanly kill all three Hunters.
The fight between Ironwood and Watts is the last fight I'm absolutely certain about. I think the biggest clues about this fight come from the weapons both men are carrying. In a world of fantastic gun-scythes and combo polearm-trident-railguns, Ironwood and Watts are having an old fashion gunslinger's duel. For Watts, his antiquated choice of weapon actually makes a lot of sense. A man who spends his days manipulating technology would want the most reliable, tamper-proof firearm he could get. Ironwood has always carried "Due Process" like the arbiter of order that he is. Like the knight errant or the classic western hero, Ironwood is a champion for his beliefs, and beliefs are what matters in the fight to come.
It's no coincidence that Watts and Ironwood are butting heads. Ironwood's entire arc this Volume has been about the trust necessary to spread the truth, and Watts is the physical embodiment of the lies Ironwood has had to overcome. There battle is a physical struggle, yes, but it is also the ideological battle of opposite beliefs. Can the truth outshine any obstacle, or is truth just what the victor decides it is? That's the real battle being fought here. Between the ultimate thematic conflict of the volume and the promise of a brightly lit fight between two master Huntsmen, this fight is what I'm most excited for in the coming weeks.
Next we have Neo and Oscar's conflict. In terms of a fight, I think the two are fairly comparable. Neo is an expert in stealth and subterfuge, and is a highly experienced fighter. Oscar doesn't suspect an attack, but he has been growing closer and closer to fully melding with Ozpin, potentially granting him more fighting experience than anyone else on Remnant. Additionally, Oscar's Semblance was foreshadowed in the mid-season, much as Jaune's Aura Boost was, and now would be an ideal time to reveal it. The biggest concern after this week is that Neo will impersonate one of the heroes to get close to Oscar. This may work, but given Neo's Ruby impersonation, the viewers will already be on high alert for anything suspicious when Oscar's on screen. It wouldn't make for much of a twist unless her disguise is very well hidden.
Alternatively, Neo might not be going for Oscar at all.
Winter is the only member of Ironwood's team that is unaccounted for, and many fans (including myself) have guessed she has left to guard the Winter Maiden, putting her on a collision course with Cinder. Cinder's method of locating Fria may simply boil down to trailing Winter, Ironwood's most trusted lieutenant. However, it's possible Cinder herself might be trailed by Neo, looking to betray Cinder and secure the Maiden powers for herself. In the end, Cinder remains this Volume's largest wild card, threatening to turn Ironwood's cunning victory into a staggering defeat. We don't know what the fight over the Winter Maiden Mantle will even look like. For all we know, Winter has gone to Fria's bedside to kill her, securing the powers in Atlas' time of need (though I do think this specific possibility is less likely). Whatever happens, I'm excited to see Winter fight again, and I know Cinder's presence will have significant consequences for the Volume as a whole.
Now that we've talked about the immediate future, it's time to put on our tin-foil hats. I'm about to drop my craziest theory yet, and I can't decide whether I would be thrilled or horrified if it came to pass. Based on Cinder's comments, we learned that Salem's original plan was to crush Vale, then Mistral, then Vacuo, and finally Atlas. Cinder's been out of the loop for a while, but she recognizes that Salem has had to accelerate her plans. Initially, I thought this meant that Salem delayed her plans in Vacuo in order to stop the heroes from succeeding in Atlas. I mean, last we saw she was growing an army of flying monkeys and promising to "do the job herself." Didn't I say last year that Salem's new flying monkeys would be perfect shock troops for attacking the airborne city of Atlas? Perhaps.
What if she didn't change her plans? What if Ironwood defeats Watts, launches Amity, reestablishes communications...and Vacuo doesn't answer? What if Salem took her army to Vacuo as planned, all while the heroes were still blind and deaf? Now the tables have turned, and the heroes will become the infiltrators while Salem defends what she has conquered.
It's pretty far out there, and I doubt Mistral would fall so recently after the heroes left, but I figured I'd toss the idea out there. I can't think of a more shocking reveal at the end of Volume 7. On the other hand, shocking reveals alone don't make good shows. We'll have to wait and see, but if Luna's Law of Inverse Emotions has taught me anything, it's that you should expect the knife to twist when victory seems certain.

Loose Threads

Here's where I put all the small thoughts that didn't have a place in the larger piece:

And that's going to do it for today's review! If you liked my writing, consider checking my Masterpost out [HERE]. As always, thank you very much for reading. Constructive criticism and discussions are welcome below as always. We're in the final stretch here people, I hope everyone's buckled up!

Be safe, be creative, and be excellent to each other!
submitted by guyinthecap to RWBY [link] [comments]

TaOS - Karnakian Boogaloo (5)

Previous | First
DISCLAIMER: I do not claim to own any of the ideas or worlds described in the story. The ‘They are Smol’ universe is the intellectual property of u/TinyPrancingHorse. Nothing in the story is canon to his universe, and I’d suggest you visit his writings if you love wholesome stories about humans being human.
This story was NOT written by me. It was, instead, created by the beautiful and certainly not a snake-person “@not-a-jornissian” (currently @spookwoodle) on the They Are Smol discord. I was given permission to post his wonderful story on his behalf, so please direct all praise to him. I’m just the messenger. He’s the good writer.
“You’ve read They Are Smol. You’ve enjoyed They Are Smol (If you haven’t, well, prepare to not enjoy this one either). But this is smols like you’ve not seen them before. This is extreme smolness with a lemon twist: smols fucked up big time in this one, and Earth, well… Earth is empty of smols. At least the ayys hope so, because it’s fallout time back there. The ones that got away — and let’s face it, it was all of them that were left — had no place to go. Homeless, smol and needing protecting, they were taken in. For the lucky ayys out there, they’re our smols.
This is a not-so-serious slice of life alternate universe where the entire population of Earth - what was left after the dead man’s switch was flipped and the nukes successfully irradiated the planet - was evacuated en masse and then taken in by the galactic civilization at large.
I’ll probably write a few more in this silly, comfy alternate timeline to expand on what’s different, but don’t take it too seriously, okay?
So, without further ado...”

Part 5: Murder Darts

“So… this says… the… ball is red. Really? haven’t we covered this page before? But… what’re all these extra details if I turn on—”
“[Whoops! You’re not quite ready for all that yet. It’s too complicated.]”
“I’m not a child you know!”
I pouted — I could feel the pout even though I felt stupid for acting this way — as Cherry turned off the extra details in the ‘book’ I was reading. The ‘book’ was a typical alien affair, a lightweight yet sturdy device with one large screen that could be rolled up or folded, was touch sensitive, could speak in multiple languages — including my own — and held vastly more than just the one nursery-level story adventure about a bright red ball that I was reading for probably the fifth time.
The book actually held a good chunk of the sum of all Senate-species books produced over the last however-many thousands of years. It was a standard data terminal given to pre-schoolers when they were practicing their reading and writing. It kept my place between lessons with cherry little creatures that I presumed were native to karnakia and helpfully gave me tips on how to improve my reading comprehension skills with their happy animations and infinite patience.
It patronized me even more than Cherry did.
I was using it to learn Karnakian and Galactic Standard Script, a midway language that was fully computable and logically consistent. Nobody natively spoke GalScript, but it was used as the go-between in all translators, including my own collar. It was also used galaxy wide as the standard script for all multi-species documentation, signage and other written communication. That now included all official Terran-Senate communication.
Humans were learning it en masse as part of our integration tasks, even those not living with the aliens on a daily basis. The GalNet news stations were reporting on the difficulty working with Newport on Mars which had proclaimed itself a sovereign state for the benefit of humans only, but the independent colonies were picking it up well, as were Luna and United Earth Government members on the moon.
In some ways, for the people in my position, it was harder to learn GalScript than for those in the colonies. We had our translators and our benefactors looking out for us, and it was stupidly easy to put puppy dog eyes to good use. With the way they fell over backwards to give us everything we could ever want, I for one didn’t quite have the strength to not take advantage of it. It didn’t work in the colonies where human teachers were quite able to be harsh enough for their students, of any age, to get them to shape up or ship out.
Newport, of course, didn’t want to pay ball in general. They weren’t entirely anti alien, but they definitely weren’t interested in becoming part of the Senate at large. The Martian city was being built with the lowest, sturdiest technology available that the Senate were willing to give unrestricted access to. It was comparably cramped, smelly, dirty and a far cry from the comfortable, airy, well-appointed quarters I enjoyed. True to their word though, the Senate were air-dropping materiel and machines from orbit, and hadn’t set scaly hide, talon, paw, claw or feathered backside on Mars, nor would they so long as the colony remained viable.
Of course, I didn’t have any pretensions that showing the naked truth of non-integrated living wasn’t deliberate propaganda by the Senate, and part of the effort to integrate the majority of mankind into the galactic community at large, but it was the truth.
“But… why won’t you turn it back on?” Annoyingly, puppy dog eyes weren’t working this time.
“[No. You’re not ready for it. You can barely manage your lessons as it is! You’re not ready for that level of detail, not yet, it’ll just distract you and you’ll make no progress at all.]”
I narrowed my eyes, poking at the screen attempting to turn it all back on, but Cherry had used her ‘parental permissions’ to lock me out. “That’s very fair of you, stifling my inquisitive nature.”
Cherry fluffed up angrily. “[Okay… you asked for it. Holoprojection, data display, level [ten] Galactic Standard Script, last spoken phrase by [Dean].]”
There was a burst of light as the dwelling’s holoprojector activated. The room flooded with information. I was almost blinded. All that for a simple phrase?
“[Here is the basic meaning, that you believe I am a fair and just giver of knowledge… but that’s not what you meant, was it? No, the modifier noted by this axis negates the normal adjective of that clause, actually inverting it. The predicate and arguments here show your emotional state, a frustration with the boundaries given, implying I think you are a rowdy chick who is anxious to show off his first moult before the feathers are even full. Do you want me to go on?]”
I grumbled, swiping to ‘turn the page’. “The ball is bouncy and… pretty.”
“And if you’d been paying attention you’d know you were being asked to provide the extra meanings from these words this time. It means the ball is ‘rubbery’ and ‘pretty’ and ‘attractive’ and ‘interesting’.” Cherry clucked, dismissing the light show with a wave of her talons. She then sat down again and gently but insistently turned off the book, pulling me into her feathery embrace as she made herself comfortable in the reading nook hollow of the den.
“[You have time, [Dean]. You have plenty of time to learn. It is hard to learn a new language, especially GalScript. Would you rather try Karnakian again?]” Cherry gestured and the holo-emitters fired up once more.
I couldn’t speak Karnakian, but I was doing a relatively good job of learning to read it, even if that was through—
“[Dancing through the stars! We found them! [One and all!] Upon their green world, blue sky and waters! [All the colours!] Come to us, small heroes! Defend your lands from terror! TALONS! TEETH! WARMTH OF HEART! SMALL HEROES!]”
—cartoons. I didn’t know whether to be amused or insulted, but [Small Hero Colourful Friend Defence Team] was certainly popular and I never missed an episode, though plenty of snobs said the Karnakian vis-dub — somehow the show was being produced in English, like some sort of reverse alien anime — was unfaithful to the English original. It featured a band of alien children who accidentally washed up on a version of Earth that was in danger of being attacked by evil space pirates and plundered for their cute denizens and other riches. Through quick thinking, magical powers granted by talking trees and technology from ancient machines, the children aided by their human allies sent the dastardly space pirates packing in episode after episode. I watched it in Karnakian, and had the house systems translate into both English and Karnakian subtitles.
The Senate had tried to ban it from being displayed on Zephyr stations, but that ban had been about as effective as you’d expect. With all their technology, they’d seemingly forgotten about things like the Streisand Effect. In moments from the initial premier, it was the hottest traded commodity from the restricted pile, so much so that they just gave up and looked the other way when it was surreptitiously rebroadcast on the local datanets.
Come to think of it, allowing [Small Hero Colourful Friend Defence Team] to flourish may have been the simplest way to let off steam and avoid even more sensitive shows becoming so highly sought after.
I settled into the cool floof as Cherry combed my hair. Karnakians enjoyed grooming each other almost as much as Dorarizin did, but human hair fascinated them even more than usual. I had to be stern during such sessions or she’d be putting bows in again. Karnakians adored fetishes in their feathers and manes, but I wasn’t quite so fond of the idea.
“I just don’t like feeling stupid,” I grumbled. I was working with material that aliens practically a tenth my age — or so it felt — had already mastered. Cherry shuffled about in the seating hollow we were in, clearly distressed.
“[You’re not stupid,]” she said, swaddling me with her wing-like arms. “[You’re brave and clever and smart… you’ll learn soon enough.]”
I was saved from further platitudes and ruminations by Chuck’s return. The other member of our household was on a staggered shift compared to Cherry, but during the on-station evening they were both home most of the time as they had me to look after. He noisily shook himself out as he crossed the threshold, unbuttoning his waistcoat and dropping his sash onto a nearby hook. He kicked his shoes — more ceremonial claw-guards than what I would call actual footwear — across the room into a corner before stretching out in a long karnakian sigh, rattling his fur-like feathers as he did so.
“Long day?” I asked. Chucky just ducked his head in a karnakian nod, gesturing for the house to widen the pit so he could join us.
“[The [humans] with children are mostly safe, but we had a whole commune to evacuate in one go, all of them malnourished, many of them sick. They were… they were very scared.]”
Cherry nibbled at his neck-fluff where the desert-dweller’s scalier hide gave way to the thin, reed-like fur-spikes. “[They are safe now, they will learn not to fear us.]”
“[I wish they had learned quicker.]” Unsaid was that something had happened, but it was written large across his features, so plain that even I could read it. He may not have been on the ground, but he still got telemetry and co-ordinated raw, unfiltered video feeds.
“You do your best, that’s all you can do. Sometimes it’s not enough. Like Cherry says, they’re scared. As far as some of them know, they lost a war. For all they know, you might find humans as irresistibly tasty as you do cute.”
If pointing out how I was basically a cross between an exotic pet and a child made them upset, you can imagine how saying that made them feel. It was the closest thing to anger with me that I’d seen.
“[How could you—!]”
“[Don’t even joke—!]”
“[We would never!]”
“I’m sorry! It was just a joke! A joke!”
“[To suggest such…!]”
It took me until after the episode had finished — it’s not like we didn’t have the whole season so far downloaded, this episode included, but it’s the principle of the thing — to calm them down.
On reflection, I felt sorry for what I’d said, truly sorry. By now I’d heard enough rumours to understand that they’d accidentally yet badly injured a human during the initial first contact and that this whole mess was kind of their fault. For me, I tended to see it as taking two to tango, what with the whole nuclear fallout thing. It certainly wasn’t Karnakian missiles that destroyed my home after all.
Most Karnakians were rather straightforward and honest people, loving to a fault. For them, they could never forgive themselves for the absolute travesty that First Contact had turned into, it would be generations before the hurt would fade. With their lifespans being at least a thousand of our years, that meant grieving and pain for a span as long as a good chunk of recorded history so far. My life pre-contact, whilst comfortable by historical standards, was a far cry from the modern amenities I now enjoyed in their care. The kind of dark humour that I was used to made them uncomfortable at the best of times, and to even joke about eating sentients was beyond the pale.
“I’m sorry Cherry, Chucky. Come here… I’m sorry, really.” I pulled their heads down towards mine, bumping foreheads. The standard expression on Karnakians easily translated to ‘angry’ for humans who were uninitiated, but I’d learned to read past that. They were sad and hurt.
“You can forgive your [dilligent little school chick] can’t you?” I looked up at them, wide-eyed and innocent. I couldn’t speak Karnakian, but I could speak GalScript, or at least the standardized Terran pronunciation of it… when aided by the house’s holo-projector and my collar. It was below the belt, really, but as much as they knew I was a full adult, something about us humans just screamed ‘wobbly helpless chick’.
Chucky was the first to fold. He closed his eyes. “[I forgive you, little one,]” he sighed. “[I t-try so hard…]”
I made small, soothing noises, patting his side. I picked at his feathery fur around his head in an attempt to groom him, and a few moments later he was doing the same to my hair.
“Who’s my big strong Karnakian EM Squire? I know you’re the best on the boards. And Mommy is such a friendly, helpful Karnakian too, isn’t she? You’re both doing a great job at saving humans like me, I know you are.”
Cherry squawked in annoyance, gently picking me up and pretend-snapping her teeth across my face and down my chest in an impromptu grooming session, it was similar to having a large dog slobber all over you, only worse.
“[How many times have I told you not to call me that!?]”
Daddy! Mommy is being mean to me!” I mock-pouted, rubbing the knuckles of my fist on Cherry’s face as she fluffed up in annoyance.
“[You’re not helping your case you know!]” Cherry continued, but by now even Chucky was laughing, trilling helplessly as tears rolled down his muzzle. The tension slowly leaked out of both of them, though I knew I’d be getting grumbled at later. For now though, it meant we could finally wind down as a strange family.
It was a bad habit, perhaps, but I let myself fall asleep held by either or both of the Karnakians. I don’t think I’ve found anything quite so comfortable as an oversized alien space-raptor for a couch. I had my own bed, of course, but I let them take me to it. Don’t look at me like that! I know how you fall asleep watching the telly, and how you’ve never watched all of Star Wars and you used to wake up only half way through the credits. This is pretty much the same, just with less steps.
When I woke up again, it was still ‘night’. That didn’t matter for me though, I’d had enough sleeping for a while and really needed to get out, to clear my head. I didn’t want to wake Cherry and Chucky this early — they, we, had a joint free shift in the ‘morning’ — so I’d make do with just the emergency glow from my collar to get me to the front door. I’d shucked my pants when I’d gone to bed proper, now I pulled them on as quietly as possible, cussing only infrequently as I struggled to get the legs the right way around. A few minutes later and I was out the front door.
Looking back at the house, it remained dark. Streetlights, sensing my motion, slowly grew in brightness until their blue-green glow suffused the area with a friendly light. I took a deep breath of the ‘night’ air, it was fresher and cooler at this time of day, rolling in from the park found spinwards and aft of our house. The center of this cylindrical residential zone was speckled with mobile drones full of lights and holo-effectors that could make the space above the houses look like anything from outer space to a chasm on a distant moon — every so often someone would get to pick a vista for it to display — but right now it was showing the stars as they would appear outside, as if I were on the inside of a partially see-through tube floating in space. Beautiful, but eerie. The lights of other dwellings twinkled distantly on the other side of the ‘arch’. Beneath my feet, the rough and regular footwalks stretched onwards through the habitable zone as it stretched right the way around to the opposite side of the tube, above me, and back down again the other side behind.
I made sure my collar was happy about my relatively unplanned constitutional, the last thing I wanted was to wake everybody up with the silent alarm causing the station security forces to lock the whole floor down and descend en masse, then started walking up the street.
This arcology platform was something else. I was living in suburbia, in space. Despite being quadrillions of tonnes of exotic alloys, it was practically able of landing on a planet — not that it was supposed to — and came complete with its own gravity generators. Where I’d expected our apartment to be down some meandering space corridor with a door like any other, it wasn’t. It was a relatively uniform yet distinct house, complete with garden, babbling brook and patio, just the way Cherry and Chucky liked it. I liked it too, but I had places to go. A hover-skimmer soon descended on my position, picking me up. There was no driver and no charge, the perfect taxi.
“Charlie’s,” I said. The taxi interrogated my collar, picked out where I meant and then accelerated at speed, the inertial dampers meaning I couldn’t even feel it as the scenery first fell away then sped past below me. A few minutes later, I was entering the ‘downtown’ district, the next floor ‘down’, aft of my own.
From the air — and we weren’t all that high up, we were after all inside a space-station — the ‘downtown’ district was a blaze of neon. Dropping to ‘floor’ level on the inside of the cylinder’s walls, the taxi slowed to a halt, the gull-wing doors rising up as I stepped out. Here the lights were less dazzling, the sidewalks less gargantuan. This was ‘little Terra’, a home away from home for us humans, especially when the ‘babysitters’ were sleeping. It was almost disorientating when the door was normal sized for once, and it somehow felt… not cramped, but the ceiling being a normal height — at least in the patron side of the bar — was kind of intimate. Even the outside of the buildings were hauntingly familiar, in a strange kind of fashion.
“Hey Reshy, had a good one so far?” I asked the bartender.
“[Starting to warm up,]” replied Chrlesshnethggrethraf noncomitally. He reached up, took down a pint glass and pulled a pint of cider for me. The red and white striped adder-type slid the glass across the top of the bar. I took it gratefully.
“Put it on my tab.”
“[You know you don’t have a tab, right?]”
I snorted, taking a swig. “You say that every time. It’s the principle of the thing.”
“[Same here.]”
I grinned, then wandered over to the jukebox and dropped in a few of the fake coins passed around — for some reason, they had pictures of random humans on them instead of any specific monarchs, along with writing on the other side in a variety of alien languages — before punching buttons on the deliberately clunky interface. Tunes from my home blared over the speakers as I sank into the ratty yet comfortable seats. The fake patina was slowly being replaced by real stains, and although it looked dog-eared, I knew it was meant to but was in fact as new as the rest of the human adaptations to this space station.
Taking another swig of cider, I finally started to relax. Thinking back on the day — evening, for ‘Mommy’ and ‘Daddy’ — I reasoned that Cherry, Chucky, and in fact not only all the karnakians but all the resident aliens, were doing their best to set right what they’d set wrong, even if it didn’t always feel like it. I figured that was because I didn’t see the full situation back on Earth with the holdouts who, rightly or wrongly, were scared of the aliens. Instead I was here, in absolute comfort, because I wasn’t.
I guess that’s why I came to places like Charlie’s. ‘Charlie’ may have been a Jornissian, but the rest of the denizens were, broadly speaking, humans. This was what Cherry and Chucky were working towards, the ability for us humans to have our own culture once more, our own space. I just wasn’t sure the aliens were ready for it.
“Okay, are we ready?” Ollie, special forces vet, was acting as referee tonight. A stalwart Northerner from the UK, he was keeping the peace between Ivan and Seamus, at opposite ends of one side of the room. The crowd was cheering them on.
“Murder darts! Murder darts! Murder darts!” The chanting started up, getting louder and rowdier as the excitement built up.
“Aye, I’m ready,” Seamus said, once Ollie had gained a modicum of control over the crowd. He took a swig from his own bottle as he eyed the shots in front of him.
“Da! Let us begin!” Ivan said, hammering his chest with one hand.
The chanting started up again after that. “Murder darts! Murder darts!”
“I want a clean competition, one drink, one shot, alright? Okay, go!”
Each competitor took a shot of the clear liquid in front of them, then took aim, and...
The crowd winced as one as twin darts sank into the two competitors. One in the arm of Seamus, and one in the shoulder of Ivan. With the medical abilities of the aliens being so far ahead of hours, otherwise debilitating injuries were more or less just an annoyance. Hence, pastimes like ‘murder darts’ had grown in popularity, where injuring yourself or someone else was the aim of the game.
“Give up yet, ya pansy?” Seamus taunted, pulling his dart out. A dribble of blood ran down his arm
“Go cry to your mama,” Ivan retorted, slamming back another drink. He flicked the dart in his shoulder contemptuously to the floor. Seamus took another shot.
“Remember! Miss, and your opponent gets a free shot, their choice of dart or drink!”
“Ivan will not miss.” Ivan took his shot, and took a shot.
“What, you think I’m gonna back out? Feck off.” Seamus did the same.
Two more darts went sailing across the room, more drinks were knocked back, followed by another pair of drinks and another pair of darts. Money changed hands, though in the strange situation we humans found ourselves it was more a set of IOU’s. Eventually, the whole initial row of shots was emptied, their glasses upturned. Both competitors looked a little woozy, but that was because they’d not been drinking on an empty stomach. They’d put alcohol in it first.
“Alright gents! Warmup’s over! Neither of our stars are backing down! It’s time for another round!”
The clear gutrot was once more portioned out, and soon darts once again went flying across the room, finding their targets, though with a wider dispersal now. Some of them did miss, usually to be replaced by a drink from the victor. Off to one side, separate games of ‘punch-face’ were starting up, where the winner of a timed downing of a pint got to punch the loser in the face before having another pint. Things were getting interesting. Having sunk several double shots of my own in addition to a number of pints of cider — quite how many, I was no longer sure — I got up from my seat to move a little closer, maybe take a part in the betting. Unfortunately, several others had the same idea and a pint glass caught my elbow, to get sent flying over me and its owner.
“Oi! What the fuck do you fink yer doin’?”
“Oh shut up you gibbon,” I retorted, words slurred as I wiped myself down, livid. “If you’d looked where you were going—”
“What the fuck did you call me?” I was interrupted by the gibbon in question, all greasy hair and dragging knuckles, and barely a single pair of brain cells to rub together.
“I said you’re a gibbon, you half-witted, window-licking, crayon-eating, knuckle-dragging simpleton, waving your stupid hands all around instead of watching where you’re going. You’ve got your piss-water all over me!”
His friend squared up. “I think you’d better apologize, you little shit.”
I sniffed. “Alright. I’m sorry your friend is a half-witted, window-licking, crayon eating, knuckle-dragging simpleton. Sorry your girlfriend—”
In hindsight, that may have not been the right answer. Live and learn. Predictably perhaps, the gibbon drew back his hand, made a fist, and punched me in the face. I was sent staggering backwards through the rapidly parting crowd into Ivan, who slipped with his dart and sent it sinking into Ollie, who slapped two others in their faces, spilling their drinks, which set them off and the rowdy game of murder darts devolved into a rousing rumble.
“Limey bastard!”
“Come on then! One at a time or all at once, ya slags! I’ll nut ya!”
By this time, chairs were flying across the room, the wooden floor was stained with beer and blood, glass littered the tables, Charlie had put up the blast screen, and as for me, I found myself heartily defenestrated. I rolled to a stop outside in the road as a whole pack of armoured dorarizin descended from rapid-response troop carriers. Drones buzzed around, lights piercing the otherwise dark streets, as the peacekeeper forces arrived.
For some reason, at least one of them was wearing what appeared to be a British policeman’s outfit, the strangely bell-shaped archaic hat on his head looking rather out of place. He bent down and cleared his throat as a circle of light surrounded us two in particular.
“[You’re [nicked], [mate],]” he said, through a thick mask that was probably intended to prevent the inevitable dorarizin hug that followed unscented humans and instead made him look like a nightmare in metal, leather and fangs. “[Did that translate properly?]”
I burbled something through the blood streaming out of my cut lip in rough assent and he nodded, seemingly satisfied. At some point after that, the world went dark.
Chr'ter trilled softly in annoyance as the call was resolutely passed through both the privacy and courtesy firewalls and filters, waking her up. The house systems did their best not to intrude during bedtime, but when you do have to handle a priority communication, intruding comes as part of the job.
“|Hello? ...Yes, I am Chr’ter of House Tr’ck’rk’tktk, what…|” she stifled a yawn, feeling all the feathers down her back flutter, her tail-fans cramping, “|what can I do for…|” She sat up straighter as the voice on the other end of the line — audio only for privacy’s sake at this time of night — inquired whether she had one ‘Softy Tr’ck’rk’tktk’ as a part of her Family.
“|By Br’nk’trrr’s last feather,|” she swore. She took a deep breath. “|I do, is this — yes, the local peacekeepers, I under — no, no, he’s a good boy, he’d never… injured? My baby is injured? If you’ve hurt him I’ll tear every scale from your… just you try to charge me with verbal assault and I’ll have your hide! What did you do to my baby!? Chrk’chrk, get up! Right now!|”
“|Rrff? Mff? Wha’?|” Chrk’chrk was kicked in the face by a very agitated Chr’ter. He circled his jaw and shook his head, making sure nothing was injured. “|My prr’nktun blossom, what is it?|”
“|The [peacekeepers]! They’re holding our baby prisoner! He’s been arrested by the not-so Noble-Family-Hunters-Yearning-For-Life!|”
For a brief moment, Chrk’chrk was still, then a low, rattling growl emanated from deep within his body. “|Ripped pinions, tell them we will be there momentarily and that they had better have a very, very good explanation.|”
The call was cut on a frantic jornissian as she tried to calm things down. She decided clocking off early was probably a good idea as the equivalent of a dial-tone was her only companion.
“[Hi [Mommy], hi [Daddy],]” The little-needs-protecting croaked out, smiling through the gaps in his missing teeth as he tried his best ‘little lost chick’ act. It was a bit of a stretch, given how he was currently lying on a relatively spartan bench in a plascrete cell, in the middle of the detention block. His soul-lights were a whirl of painkillers, inebriation and injuries barely suppressed by nano-meds. He was also rather worried about his ultimate fate this night, as he should be.
“|Don’t you try that with us! What did you think you were doing?|” rumbled Chrk’chrk, his spiny feathers rattling. Chr’ter, however, had other things on her mind than her errant’s ‘chick’s behaviour.
“|You have him restrained? In [handcuffs]? Are you a [barbarian]!? Let him free this instant!|”
“[Miss, it is customary in his society—]” the jornissian civilian safety officer tried to explain, but Chr’ter had her back feathers rising and there was a low growl emanating from her throat. Her tail-fans widened and she tried very, very hard not to gouge the floor with her claws.
“|He is not in his society right now, he is in mine and if you do not start treating my baby with a little bit more care I will show you—|”
“|[Burnished feather of the morning light], please calm down. There is already one member of our family in trouble, we do not need another,|” said Chrk’chrk soothingly, trying his best to keep his own feather-spikes down. He then turned to the jornissian that was standing to one side in the grey detention block of the peacekeeper’s station and narrowed his eyes, forked tongue flicking over his lips. “|On the [flipside] of that, if you do not release him this instant I am not responsible for what may happen. He is perfectly safe to handle, and most certainly will not be escaping our tender mercies.|”
“[Un-understood… now if you would just sign this release form and-and-and w-waiver—]” Rsssthssprrktthh tried very hard to keep smiling and remembering to blink. She herself knew what it was like with children, you never forgot the feeling of their teeth as they clung to you, it made her warm even now thinking of the warm-cuddle she’d been tending, so she knew what it was like for the two Karnakians in front of her. [Dean] had been so cute, despite her being forced to keep the warm-cuddle restrained as per his society’s customs until his carers arrived to request he be relinquished from his cell.
“|Waiver?|” growled Chr’ter.
“[He, ah, was part of a public disturbance and-and-and—]”
“|How badly was he injured?|”
Rsssthssprrktthh rattled off a list of injuries, which included bruised livers, cuts and abrasions and a broken shoulder to an increasingly irate karnakian. “[But his teeth will grow back, though you may want to have him on a liquid diet for a while.]”
“|And you want me to sign a waiver for what before you will let me take him home to be properly cared for?|”
“[He was p-part of a p-public dis-disturbance and-and… and I suppose we know exactly where to find you should we require any more information! Just sign th-the release form! Here and here and… thank you he should come into a [little-needs-protecting] hospital later today or tomorrow for another standard dose of nanites, medi-skin re-application, more antitoxins for the intoxicants he digested, and removal of the quick-cast for his broken arm, but for now you are free to go and please don’t come back!]”
The jornissian signalled the cell to release its occupant, then vanished as quickly as her long, yellow and orange tail would let her. For their part, Chr’ter and Chrk’chrk turned to the widely grinning little-needs-protecting. He smelled happy, hurt, pungent from ‘alcohol’ and very, very recalcitrant. His soul-lights were also calmer now that he was back with his family.
“|You have a lot of explaining to do, [Mister],|” grumbled Chr’ter as she pulled the sliding barred door open.
“|Indeed. Just wait until your moth… er, I mean Chr’ter and I, get you home!|”
The little-needs-protecting’s face fell as he was gently, but firmly, pulled to his feet.
“|So you say you were innocent?|” Chrk’chrk asked, his feathers rippling up and down his body.
“[Honest. I was just there for some… time to myself. W-with others. I mean—]”
“|With others of your own kind. We understand. Just… that’s a… a bad part of town—|” Chr’ter stated.
“|Sorry, but it is. And then you got into this… riot?|” Chrk’chrk continued.
“[I didn’t mean to! I wasn’t going to get involved in anything dangerous or illegal when I went out!]”
“|At least you’re safe now,|” Chr’ter said, fussing over Softy’s injuries. She yawned, fluffing herself up as she pulled the injured little-needs-protecting into her embrace. “|Now all we need to do is relax a little. Maybe put the holoprojector on whilst we wake up properly.|”
“|...In local news today, there was an altercation with the [little-needs-protectings] at a bar colloquially known as [Charlie’s]. A fight broke out over a dangerous game known as [murder darts] went awry during an illegal betting session.|”
“|You WHAT!?|” Chr’ter felt the little-needs-spankings tense up in her grasp as she heard and saw the news footage.
“|The instigator of the fight has been identified and appears to be one [Softy Tr’ck’rk’tktk], and will be—|”
submitted by BenchNotA to HFY [link] [comments]

Quick Thoughts on every Week 3 game

PRO-TIP: CTRL+F the players you care about
Week 2 Quick Thoughts
Announcement: I’m doing away with the Accountability Section for time reasons. I’m sorry, but it takes too long to write properly. Suffice it to say every week I will get plenty wrong and plenty right, like any other fantasy “analyst”. Read my work with a grain of salt and combine it with the opinions of all the other great fantasy writers around the web. Hopefully the insights are helpful towards making logical, winning lineup decisions! Onto the matchups!

Texans @ Patriots

• Through two weeks of play Brock Osweiler has settled in as a floor-play QB2. With his weapons, yardage should be there most weeks to float you a near average score and I’d expect that to continue this week. DeAndre Hopkins and Will Fuller are looking like a truly deadly duo, and saw their target amount flip from week 1 to 2 to expected amounts. Hopkins is an every week WR1, and the rookie Fuller has more than earned every week WR3/Flex auto-start. Lamar Miller with 28 and 25 attempts in the first two weeks is an every week RB1 on volume alone. For those wanting to handcuff Miller, I believe Tyler Ervin is the man to own.
Jacoby Brissett is obviously a downgrade for all Patriots players, and isn’t startable anywhere but the deepest of deep 2QB leagues. The largest beneficiary of the QB swap is probably LeGarrette Blount, who was already a large part of the Patriot’s game plan with Garoppolo under center and should see his role increase with an inexperienced rookie forced to start. He’s a solid RB2 to me. With the Patriots trying to pass as little as possible James White would be an ill advised flex – he’s a hold for when Brady returns. Julian Edelman probably has the talent to return WR3 numbers as the number one target. If Rob Gronkowski is able to start, you’re starting him as your TE1 – no TE has greater upside. Danny Amendola, Chris Hogan and Martellus Bennettare off my radar but staying on my bench until Brady returns. Bennett could be a startable TE is Gronk can’t go, however.

Redskins @ Giants

Kirk Cousins has looked bad, but in a high volume passing offense he will have value as a low-end QB1. His bad luck with TDs in the redzone will regress to the mean and his performance should improve this season. However, the Giants newly improved D held Drew Brees to one touchdown, so this might not be the week. Jordan Reed is always a TE1, and should have a good game against a defense which has shown vulnerability to TEs in the past. DeSean Jackson has long been a boom or bust WR3 and you should fire him up as such in this matchup, but the Giants D has me thinking this week may be a bust. Jamison Crowder has serious flex appeal at this point in PPR leagues as Cousin’s safety valve. Pierre Garcon has lost flex appeal for me in most formats. Matt Jones looked better in week 2 but his workload will be inconsistent as he splits time with Chris Thompson. Jones is an RB3/flex and Thompson is a low end PPR flex.
Eli Manning was close to having a much better day against the Saints last week. Despite the disappointment I still like him as a mid range QB1 every week with three very good weapons. Odell Beckham was also close to a much bigger day, committing an uncharacteristic drop on what was to be a surefire TD. He’s still an every week WR1. Sterling Shepard is a high end WR3/Flex going forward in this pass happy offense. Victor Cruz is getting as many targets as Shepard, but is doing less with them – still, he is a lower end flex in this passing attack. Rashad Jennings has had a rough start to the season, splitting more than expected with Shane Vereen and posting ~2 ypc against the weak New Orleans defense. With a wrist injury added to the mix of issues, he’ll be hard to trust as an RB3 this week. If he cannot go, a gross committee between Orleans Darkwa and Vereen is likely, and I would avoid it.

Ravens @ Jaguars

Joe Flacco draws another plus matchup where he could be a worthy streamer in what promises to be a pass happy game. Mike Wallace has so far made the most of his targets, and this week he gets the Jaguars who were brutalized by Travis Benjamin and Tyrell Williams; I’d fire him up as a high end WR3. Dennis Pitta showed how important he is to the offense as an old favorite target of Flacco’s, he could be a TE1 going forward for those who stream the position. Steve Smith could boom one of these weeks but it will be hard to predict, his play has hit an age/Achilles wall – he’s a low end flex option despite the good matchup (last week was a good matchup too). Terrance West and Justin Forsett are cannibalizing each other’s opportunities and neither has been particularly impressive in their limited role. Both will be no more than flex plays, and Kenneth Dixon is a worthy stash to see if he can earn the job when he returns.
• Things get easier for Blake Bortles and the Jaguars passing attack going forward from here, and it starts this week against the Ravens. Allen Robinson had tough matchups to start the year but still got his volume, so he will be a WR1 all season. In a year that looks like a TE wasteland, Julius Thomas is a valuable reliable TE1 play. Allen Hurns is a flex play that benefitted from coverage on Robinson, I don’t particularly like him this year but he could always potentially break off a big play in this offense. TJ Yeldon was uninspiring in the feature role last week, he’ll be a low end RB2 if Ivory cannot go. If Chris Ivory can go, both he and Yeldon will be low end flexes.

Browns @ Dolphins

Cody Kessler has entered the realm of starting quarterbacks, and the curse that must hang over the Browns organization is confirmed. Kessler was described as “not ready” just last week, and it’s definitely a downgrade for all Browns players. Isaiah Crowell will certainly be leaned on as much as possible, and with his production through two games he has entered RB2 discussion. Corey Coleman flashed his big play ability and the skills that make him so valuable in dynasty, but with Kessler under center I wouldn’t feel comfortable starting him this week. The same goes for Terrelle Pryor and Duke Johnson. It may be time for Gary Barnidge owners to embrace the stream; bench him this week for another option and wait to see if Kessler comes to rely on him as a safety valve.
Ryan Tannehill had a nice garbage time comeback last week and gets a supreme matchup against the Browns at home in week 3 – he’s a prime QB streamer this week. Jarvis Landry can be trusted for WR2 numbers, particularly in PPR. DeVante Parker’s impressive 13 targets came in comeback mode, but they show that he is someone they trust, and for that reason he is an intriguing hold and not a bad flex play against the Browns. Jordan Cameron caught a TD last week but I still wouldn’t trust him in my TE slot. With Arian Foster likely (but not certainly, apparently) out for week 3, the Miami backfield will likely be led by Jay Ajayi but he will be heavily spelled by Kenyan Drake with Damien Williams probably mixing in there as well. It’s going to be ugly, but if you’re in a deeper league and need to add someone I would think Ajayi is the way to go. If Foster can go, however, he has serious upside here against the Browns as an RB2 – keep an eye on his health throughout the week.

Vikings @ Panthers

Sam Bradford performed admirably in his first start for the Vikings, and has revitalized the Vikings’ passing attack, making him an interesting QB2 with some upside going forward with Adrian Peterson likely out for a few weeks. Stefon Diggs blew up with Bradford under center, and I like him as a high upside WR2 every week going forward – he has the potential to be a league winner. Kyle Rudolph is also benefitting from the Vikings’ rejuvenated passing attack, and I wouldn’t feel too bad using him as my TE1 for now – 8 targets is as much as you can ask for from a late round TE and he’s done it twice now. With Peterson out, Jerick McKinnon and Matt Asiata will take up rushing duties. McKinnon is my favorite, with passing down ability and great athletic measurables, he is the upside pick out of the two. Asiata is a plodder who will get goal line looks, and might vulture some TDs from McKinnon to steal some upside. This week is preferably a wait and see, but if you got hurt at RB this past weekend you may not have a choice – I’d roll out McKinnon if I had to.
Cam Newton is an every week QB1, though this defense has shown itself to be tough. Regardless, with his rushing floor Newton is always a must start. Kelvin Benjamin should continue to turn in great numbers as he has been, he’s a WR2 with WR1 upside. Greg Olsen is the TE1 so far this season and obviously you should keep rolling him out. Wow this Panthers offense is good huh? The running backs leave something to be desired, though. With Jonathan Stewart out this backfield turns into a Fozzy Whittaker, Cameron Artis-Payne, Mike Tolbert casserole. Gross. Although Whittaker played well in Stewart’s absence, Coach Rivera called him “chance of pace” in interviews. Regardless, I think Whittaker is probably the best grab out of the backfield as he has shown the most on the field. Don’t go blowing your waiver priority over any of these backs.

Cardinals @ Bills

Carson Palmer is showing up this season once again as a consistent QB1, that trend should continue against the lowly Bills defense. Larry Fitzgerald has been absolutely on fire and I cannot deny his every week WR1 upside, especially in this matchup. David Johnson is likewise an every week RB1; even against the Bucs tough run defense he made tacklers miss and gained yards after contact. Michael Floyd is the next man up, and is merely a flex play as the offense funnels through its greatest playmakers. John Brown has fallen out of fantasy relevance barring an injury to someone ahead of him. Chris Johnson’s performance as the game wound down last week shows he’s still the handcuff to own for DJ.
Tyrod Taylor rebounded on Thursday Night Football, albeit in a fluky way – his points came on lucky deep passes that happened to go for touchdowns. However, the coaching staff canned OC Greg Roman apparently because they want to throw more so he may be worth holding onto as your QB2 in order to wait and see what happens. Passing more would certainly be good for Sammy Watkins but it won’t help if he can’t get over his foot injury; it would be best to wait, if you can, and see how Sammy is dealing with this injury in week 3 before starting him. If Sammy cannot regain form, Greg Salas and/or Marquise Goodwin would become the beneficiaries of the increased passing attack, and might become the waiver pickups of week 4. LeSean McCoy continues to receive a good workload, as well as plenty of targets in the passing game – he is an every week RB2, but this matchup will be very tough for him, expect numbers on the lower side of his range. Charles Clay is a TE streamer with low upside, which I prefer to avoid.

Broncos @ Bengals

Trevor Siemian remains a low end QB2 whose ceiling is capped due to the run first nature of this team. Demaryius Thomas in spite of his injury, put up solid numbers; it seems he can play through it, and I’d fire him up as a WR2 this week. Emmanuel Sanders disappointed despite receiving 8 targets, but I think better weeks are ahead; for now, feel comfortable starting him as your WR3. Virgil Green got only 3 targets last week, and will be playing coming off a calf injury; I’d look for more in your streaming TE. CJ Anderson remains a rare every down back, going over 20 carries in two games straight. Fire him up as a sure fire RB1.
Andy Dalton has been producing consistent QB1 numbers so far this season, but Denver will present a real challenge as a very tough defense, I would downgrade him this week. AJ Green got bottled up by division rival Pittsburgh in week 2, but I don’t think that will be the case again at home. Every week Green has the chance to win you your match up, he’s an every week starter. Jeremy Hill will struggle in this tough matchup against the Broncos and I wouldn’t want to start him this week; there is always the chance of a goal line TD a la Frank Gore last week, but the yardage won’t be there. Giovani Bernard had himself a great game last week where the traditional run game was not working, and I’d expect that to continue against Denver with Hill again struggling; fire him up as an RB2, particularly in PPR formats. Brandon LaFell is a desperation flex. CJ Uzomah is an intriguing pick who was fed red zone targets last week; they clearly want him to be Tyler Eifert. If the red zone targets continue, there will be TDs in Uzomah’s future, and TE is a vulnerability of the Denver D.

Lions @ Packers

Matt Stafford has been playing quite well in this pass happy offense and I’d expect him to continue at least low end QB1 prediction away from home against the Packers this week. It would be helpful if Packers CB Shields is out once again this week. Marvin Jones has separated himself from the pack as the lead dog in this passing attack and he’s my preferred start in this offense every week as a solid WR2. Golden Tate continues to be targeted but was not efficient at all last week, I would downgrade him to a borderline WR3/flex. Eric Ebron has solidified himself into every week TE1 consideration as a large red zone target in a passing offense. With Ameer Abdullah out with a foot injury Theo Riddick becomes an every week RB2 in PPR, with a slight downgrade in standard formats. Anquan Boldin is a risky flex week in and week out, the targets simply won’t be there most weeks. Dwayne Washington is a potential beneficiary of the Abdullah injury, and might become a hot waiver add if he gets significant carries in his absence and thrives with them. Potential pre-waivers add if you have an extra bench spot.
Aaron Rodgers and the Packers offense haven’t been themselves lately, but I expect a resurgence at home against the Lions. This defense shouldn’t cause any trouble for Packers skill position players. Fire up Aaron Rodgers as a QB1. Jordy Nelson is a high end WR2 with upside, and Randall Cobb should be able to produce at least low end WR2 numbers here. Davante Adams still can’t be trusted in lineups. Eddie Lacy has been the victim of poor game script and tough run defenses but he has actually played well, averaging 4.27 YPC in the first two games. The matchup lightens significantly at home against the Lions, and I think he will put up high end RB2 numbers here.

Raiders @ Titans

Derek Carr has been a rock solid QB1 through two weeks and I see no reason for that to stop in Week 3, as Tenneesee’s solid run defense promotes the pass. Amari Cooper should, therefore, continue to be fired up as a very good WR2. Michael Crabtree, oft underestimated, is valued as a WR3 but continuously puts up WR2 numbers, he should continue to roll this week. Clive Walford had a good game last week and faces a defense that has given up solid games to Kyle Rudolph and Eric Ebron, so he’s definitely startable in a pinch. Latavius Murray could have trouble against aforementioned tough run D, I would downgrade him to an RB3/low end RB2 in this matchup. • Oakland’s defense has been ransacked the last two weeks, so Marcus Mariota should put up at least low end QB1 numbers in this matchup. Tajae Sharpe and Delanie Walker will both benefit as the top targets in this offense; Tajae is the perfect WR3 and Delanie is a TE1. The thriving pass offense will also help out DeMarco Murray who has been putting up great numbers and is involved in the passing game; he should roll through this Oakland defense to post high end RB2 numbers this week. Owners might consider selling high on him after that, however; his numbers have been salvaged by TDs and one long run last week but his actual running has been lackluster and he’s starting to cede some carries to Derrick Henry. Next week at Houston will be tough and I don’t think his value gets any higher than after week 3.

Rams @ Buccaneers

• After Seattle last week, Todd Gurley gets an easier matchup in Tampa Bay, however, the Tampa Bay defense is best at eliminating the run. They won’t respect the passing abilities of Case Keenum, nor should they, and I expect another frustrating RB3 type game for Gurley as the Rams struggle to get anything done on offense. Please do not start or roster any other Rams.
Jameis Winston got brutalized by the Cardinals last week, no denying it, but the Cardinals are very, very good. The Rams are decidedly bad. I expect a good offense like the Bucs to roll all over them. Fire up Winston as a QB1 this week at home. Mike Evans managed 19 PPR points against Patrick Peterson, which is very impressive to me and confirms his WR1 status. His volume was insane, which is great, and his inefficiency can’t really be blamed on him, as many of the incomplete passes sailed well over his head. Charles Sims could be the featured three down back with Doug Martin potentially out with an injury. He struggled against the Cardinals, but so did the entire offense. I like Sims as an RB2 play this week in all formats, with a bump in PPR, as long as Doug Martin is out. Vincent Jackson looks washed up out there and he can be dropped if you’re still holding on. No tight end can be trusted on the offense, too much of a workload split.

49ers @ Seahawks

Blaine Gabbert had a solid game in garbage time against the Panthers last week, but that would be hard to bet on happening again, although I could see him as a desperation start in 2QB leagues. Carlos Hyde was bottled up by Carolina and the matchup doesn’t get easier against the Seahawks at home – he is an RB3 at best. Vance McDonald has lucked out on TD production through two weeks but his concerning lack of targets is keeping me away. Maybe his production will earn him a larger role? No telling. The wide receivers, Jeremy Kerley, Torrey Smith, and Quinton Patton are not startable as there is no predicting who will get the volume week to week, at least not yet.
• The Seattle offense has not looked… good through the first two weeks of the season. Russell Wilson has, correspondingly, not looked good. Part of this may be his ankle injury, which he has another week to heal. Owners likely have little choice but to fire him up in what should be a cake matchup at home – he SHOULD produce QB1 numbers here. Doug Baldwin is the clear top target and should be able to put up WR2 numbers despite last week’s dud. Tyler Lockett has undeniable big play ability, but his workload and the state of the offense is concerning, he is a risky WR3. Jermaine Kearse is definitely involved in the offense, but is no more than a risky flex. With Thomas Rawls injured, Christine Michael should have command of the backfield for the entire game. I would expect high end RB3 numbers with upside; holding him back is Seattle’s offensive line, which is terrible. Jimmy Graham is coming along but the offense is too anemic to support him yet, I wouldn’t start him.

Steelers @ Eagles

Ben Roethlisberger’s home/road splits are concerning, so I downgrade him slightly in this matchup to low/mid range QB1, but that didn’t stop him from posting solid numbers against Washington in week 1 on the road. Antonio Brown is still a WR1, don’t let last week fool you, divisional rivalries just get weird. DeAngelo Williams is on fire and must be started again – enjoy those points for one last week folks. Big Ben loves his tight ends and Jesse James has the targets and production for mid range TE1 consideration each week. It seemed Ben was throwing deep bombs at Sammie Coates all game (he got 5 targets and caught 2 of them for 97 yards). I wouldn’t be starting him. Eli Rogers completely disappeared despite some Sunday morning hype about an “expanded role”. With Markus Wheaton returning soon, there is little to hope for with Rogers and I’d be dropping if you have him.
Carson Wentz impressed for the second week in a row in real life football, but only put up so-so fantasy numbers last week – he remains a QB2 for fantasy purposes. Jordan Matthews continued to receive large volume and in this possibly pass heavy game, he is a solid WR2 with a lot of upside. Ryan Mathews is definitely the Eagles’ confirmed goal line back after notching two scores last week; he was also held out somewhat out of concern for a minor practice injury. He’s an RB2 until further notice. Nelson Agholor has received a good number of targets from Wentz, and wouldn’t be the worst flex option in a potential shootout. Trey Burton suddenly burst onto the fantasy scene with 7 targets for 5 catches and a TD – he’s a risky but potentially lucrative TE streamer while he fills in for Zach Ertz. I wouldn’t start Darren Sproles, even in PPR leagues.

Jets @ Chiefs

Ryan Fitzpatrick should produce his usual high end QB2 numbers here in this matchup. Matt Forte is looking like the steal of most drafts at his ADP and is a total workhorse with RB1 upside every week. Brandon Marshall has some sort of MCL issue, but may play through it – if he does, he’ll be a WR2. Eric Decker AKA Mr. Consistency, is dealing with a shoulder issue, but if he plays he is the perfect WR2 in terms of every week production. With both top Jets receivers a little banged up though, Quincy Enunwa could have an excellent game ahead of him. He has established himself as Fitzpatrick’s safety valve and particularly in PPR he has shown consistent production and is worthy of some very serious WR3/Flex consideration.
Alex Smith got totally trounced last week, but should bounce back to his usual consistent QB2 numbers this week. Jeremy Maclin has been receiving excellent volume so far, with somewhat limited success (still solid WR2 numbers in PPR) but I think that volume has to translate to more success soon, and it could come this week. Keep starting him confidently as your WR2. Travis Kelce is a big part of this offense and will continue to be an every week TE1. Things will get messy in the backfield if Jamaal Charles returns. If he does, I expect a big split with him and Spencer Ware receiving most of the work, and Charcandrick West getting the leftovers. In that scenario, Ware and Charles would each be RB3s. If Charles sits, Ware is an RB2.

Chargers @ Colts

Philip Rivers seemed fine last week against Jacksonville, even without the benefit Keenan Allen and Danny Woodhead – his next few games against IND, NO and OAK make him a must start QB1 for the better part of the next month. Travis Benjamin operated as the Chargers new WR1 and he thrived in the role. Tyrell Williams is the new WR2, and was similarly productive. Benjamin is a WR2, and Williams a WR3, for the next three weeks at least in these very juicy matchups. Melvin Gordon should also thrive with the rest of the offense, particularly with Woodhead out of the picture; he has ascended to RB1 status thanks to injuries around him. Antonio Gates looks more TD dependent than ever, turning 3 catches into just 15 yards. Age may be catching up with him and I’d feel nervous starting him banking on a TD for most/all of his production.
Andrew Luck should be back to his usual QB1 ways against the Chargers leaky defense. Frank Gore gets the benfit of facing one of the league’s weakest run defenses as well, and as the sole back of note in his backfield, he should be able to turn in RB2 numbers. With Donte Moncrief likely out, TY Hilton will likely be covered by Jason Verrett, making him a mere WR3 play. I believe Phillip Dorsett will pick up the slack of the other two receivers and have a nice day – consider him a high upside WR3. Jack Doyle and Dwayne Allen should also see more looks, but they’ll be tough to trust.

Bears @ Cowboys

Jay Cutler is likely to be out at least a week with a thumb injury, so Brian Hoyer will probably get the start. Definitely don’t start either of them. This is meaningless for Alshon Jeffery, however, as Hoyer knows how to hone in on a #1 WR, as Josh Gordon and DeAndre Hopkins well know. Keep using Jeffery as a WR1, his team will put him in excellent game scripts to rack up garbage time points a la 2015 Allen Robinson. Eddie Royal has hilariously been the most productive WR on his team through 2 weeks, he’ll be a risky flex play in deeper leagues – I doubt that he and Hoyer have the same chemistry as he does with Cutler. Kevin White doesn’t appear likely to have a breakout this season – do not start him, and hold only if you’re a believer. Jeremy Langford appears dangerously close to losing his job – I wouldn’t start him, his workload is in too much jeopardy. Owners would be wise to grab shares of Jordan Howard before that ship sails. You can do better than Zach Miller.
Dak Prescott remains a QB2, but thankfully for fantasy purposes he rediscovered his WR1 Dez Bryant in week 2. Bryant will be a high end WR2 against the Bears. Ezekiel Elliott continues to get the kind of workload reserved for RB1s and he should have a good game here against the mostly hospitalized Bears defense – not concerned about his “benching”. Cole Beasley is a favorite of Prescott, and has earned PPR Flex consideration. Jason Witten is a lower end TE1 in a fairly neutral matchup – his volume took a major hit when Dez was rediscovered. Alfred Morris is a must own handcuff.

Falcons @ Saints

Matt Ryan is most definitely a QB1 in this matchup against the Saints on Monday night. He has been on absolute fire to start the season and it’s fair to wonder if we underestimated him. He should keep rolling for a third week, at least. Julio Jones is as ever an every week WR1. Mohamed Sanu will be a boom or bust WR3 option all season as the guy opposite Julio, but you’ve gotta like his odds for success against this Saints defense. Jacob Tamme with 8 targets in each game so far, has entered TE1 consideration, especially considering the matchup this week. Tevin Coleman and Devonta Freeman are obviously in a true split; receptions, goal line looks, it’s all shared. Coleman has looked better, and so if forced to choose I’d go with him. Both are solid flex plays with RB2 upside in this nice matchup.
Drew Brees should bounce back to QB1 numbers in this Monday night shoot out. Brandin Cooks and Willie Snead are about even as high upside WR2s on this pass happy team. As third on the totem pole, Michael Thomas is a less appealing flex. Mark Ingram will be a high end RB2 against the Falcons’ atrocious run defense. Coby Fleener cannot be trusted in any capacity and I wouldn’t fault owners for dropping him for better prospects.
Thanks for reading! As always feel free to leave your questions in the comments all week. I am a fantasy degenerate and am more than happy answering questions about it all the time.
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Best of luck to all in Week 3!
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Quick Thoughts on every Week 2 game

PRO-TIP: CTRL+F the players you care about

Accountability Section

I think it’s important to look back at the previous week and see what I got right and what I got wrong, so you guys know you’re not reading advice from a complete sham. Here are the major things I was able to gather:
What I got wrong:
• Adrian Peterson: He unexpectedly bombed when the Titans were able to stop him by stacking the box. Perhaps it was because Shaun Hill is not a threatening passer. Peterson has dealt with stacked boxes before so it is a bit concerning long term. Either way, I was WAY off, predicting RB1 numbers for the veteran RB.
• Todd Gurley: Another case of talented back meets stacked box. Gurley and AP are in similar situations; they’re very talented, with bad quarterbacks who defenses do not respect. I also predicted RB1 numbers for Gurley and that couldn’t have been further from the truth.
• The Panthers Offense: I overestimated the Denver defense and underestimated Cam Newton and Kelvin Benjamin. I won’t make that mistake again; Kelvin looks like he’s back in a big way. I was right about Olsen as a solid TE1 and Jonathan Stewart as a poor start, however.
• Danny Woodhead: I said he would fair very poorly against the Kansas City Chiefs, as he has done in the past, but Woodhead scorched them, getting 20+ carries and large passing volume for one of the highest RB scores of the week. I was very, very wrong and I won’t be underestimating Woodhead again. With Allen done for the season, he’s a large part of this offense going forward.
• Tyrod Taylor: I said he had a safe floor, yeesh, so much for that. The Ravens shut him down and it’s now quite obvious that he is not a good fantasy start with Watkins not at 100%.
What I got right:
• Jordan Matthews: I predicted him as a high upside WR2/3 against the Browns. I like him even more now after seeing that volume.
• Barnidge and Walker: I predicted target share reductions for Gary Barnidge and Delanie Walker as a result of their morphing offenses and I was correct, although I still recommended them as starts. I didn’t think their target shares would decrease THAT much!
• Charles Sims: He didn’t hit his ceiling, but Sims did show off that very valuable flex floor I talked about in my first write up. He even caught a touchdown and put his low-end RB2 numbers! Not too shabby, Sims.
• Jameis Winston: I said he’d put up QB1 numbers this week, which I don’t think was a particularly popular opinion going into the matchup. He certainly did that. I love the Buccaneers offense going forward, even going into their tough pre-bye schedule.
• Isaiah Crowell: One of my most controversial picks of the weeks, I said Crowell would put up Flex to RB2 type numbers, and by God, he did it! Crowell finished as the RB16 on the week in PPR.
Now there was obviously a lot more that I got wrong, and a lot more that I got right, but those felt notable to me. There are always going to be hits and misses in fantasy analysis and I’ll always try to explain my reasoning. I hope nobody got too badly burned by any of my advice last week, and I especially hope it was helpful to some of you. With that being said, let’s get into the week’s matchups:

Jets @ Bills

Ryan Fitzpatrick should continue to be a serviceable QB2 in this matchup against a team that made the shambling corpse of Mike Wallace look good last week. I like Brandon Marshall to rebound well from his disappointing week 1 showing and put up the low end WR1 numbers we were expecting. Eric DeckerAKA “Mr. Consistency” is as always a great WR2 play, and he should perform better than last week – he was targeted 7 times but only hauled in 2 catches. Quincy Enunwa made a great case for himself, tying Brandon Marshall for a team-high 8 targets – he is an intriguing waiver add and flex play.
• One major fact we learned from week 1 is that the split between Matt Forte and Bilal Powell was probably overblown. Forte operated as a workhorse, and is an RB1 for the foreseeable future on workload alone. Powell’s status diminishes to very low-end flex/handcuff status.
• I was going to write that we shouldn’t overreact to Week 1’s very bad no good Tyrod Taylor performance. However, with news that Sammy Watkins is dealing with serious pain in his foot, this whole offense takes a downgrade. Without Watkins’ playmaking ability, Taylor will be no more than a low end QB2. If he’s your every week starter in a 1QB league, it’s time to look to the waiver wire. Sammy Watkins was a good rebound candidate after a disappointing week 1, but with this news I would downgrade him to a boom or bust WR3. Start safer options if you can until he’s proved himself. I wouldn’t want to start Robert Woods or Charles Clay under most circumstances - as second and third passing options on a run-first offense, their good weeks will be difficult to predict and few and far between.
LeSean McCoy was the lone solid fantasy start for the Bills, and he should continue to be a solid start as the workhorse on a run-first team. There is, however, legitimate concern that defenses stack the box on him without Watkins as a downfield threat, and this could seriously hurt McCoy’s efficiency. If Watkins does play, however, his mere presence should improve things for McCoy. McCoy will be more of an RB2 against a stout Jets run defense either way. Mike Gillislee is his handcuff.

Cowboys @ Redskins

Dak Prescott was not asked to do many fantasy-productive things on Sunday, rushing only twice and throwing mostly checkdowns. This prevented him from throwing interceptions as intended, but also kept him from scoring any touchdowns. It’s obvious the Cowboys want to play to their strengths and be a run-first team with first round pick Ezekiel Elliott who received 20 attempts and can be fired up as an RB1 against a weak Redskins run defense. This development is concerning for Dez Bryant who received only 5 targets. It’s not time to panic yet, but Bryant’s skill set does not mesh with what the Cowboys want to do right now. Jason Witten performed well as he usually does against Giants – he is a low end TE1. Cole Beasly got a whopping 12 targets and with Prescott throwing so many checkdowns, there is potential for it to keep up. Beasly is a potential season-long flex play if things keep going to plan for the Cowboys.
Kirk Cousins didn’t look good Monday night, throwing poorly for no touchdowns and two interceptions. It’s not a good sign for those who drafted Cousins late as a bargain QB1, but the good news is QB is so deep you should be able to find a good replacement! Cousins is no more than a QB2 going forward. DeSean Jackson drew 10 targets and made good use of them, going for over 100 yards. He’ll have a tougher time this week against the Cowboys who are hard on the passing game, and is a boom or bust WR3. Jamison Crowder interestingly received just as many targets as Jackson, but wasn’t able to do nearly as much with them – he is a WR4/deep league flex. Pierre Garcon was also involved in the passing game but will only be a desperation flex in this tougher matchup. Jordan Reed was targeted a team high 11 times and is the best TE in football with Rob Gronkowski out – he’s your every week TE1 as long as he’s healthy. Matt Jones looked dreadful, receiving only 7 carries which he turned in 24 scoreless yards – the Redskins basically abandoned the run game. It makes Chris Thompson a much more intriguing option, particularly in PPR leagues – he was more involved when the Redskins needed to play catchup. Jones is a flex play against a weak Cowboys run defense, as is Chris Thompson in PPR formats.

Chiefs @ Texans

Alex Smith is a rock solid QB2 because of his rushing floor who will occasionally turn in great performances like last week. Jeremy Maclin turned in a solid week 1 for owners despite a tougher matchup, he is the quintessential high-end WR2. The other top option in Kansas City’s passing game, Travis Kelce, is an every-week TE1 on volume. Chris Conley receiving 7 targets (as many as Kelce and Maclin) is surprising – he’s not worth an add yet but keep an eye out, he is a talented deep threat.
Spencer Ware is so crazy good. He showed off his impressive receiving abilities and was totally gameflow-proof. Without Charles he’s an every week RB1. Even when Jamaal Charles returns, Ware has earned a significant chunk of the carries. Charles and Ware will likely become RB2s in this split, but I’d favor the younger RB without health issues. When Charles does return Charcandrick West will likely be fully put in the backup role.
• The Texan’s offense looks as good as advertised against the Bear’s lowly defense, but they will all face a tougher matchup against Kansas City. Brock Osweiler will be a mid to low end QB2 in week 2. DeAndre Hopkins is an every week WR1 with his talent. Hopkins owners shouldn’t worry about Will Fuller receiving more targets, it will happen from time to time but Fuller is a boom or bust WR3. Not to say Fuller doesn’t have value, he has GREAT value, and should be the number one waiver claim if he’s available. Osweiler clearly loves to throw to him. Lamar Miller operated as a clear workhorse, toting the ball 28 times against the Bears, and as a result of this rare workload he should be considered an RB1 even in the tougher matchup.

Bengals @ Steelers

• With only one threatening weapon, Andy Dalton is a mid to high end QB2 in most matchups. That one threatening weapon, AJ Green, is the guy you really want. Showing that the offseason speculation about his ridiculous workload was justified, AJ Green caught 12 of 13 targets whilst on a visit to Revis Island. He’s a WR1 in any matchup, and may wind up THE WR1 if things keep up. Brandon LaFell and Tyler Boyd are picking up the leftovers in the passing game, and LaFell looked like the most efficient of the two. LaFell would be a low end flex, and Boyd is safely droppable.
Jeremy Hill will be a threat to score a goal line TD any given week, and as such he is a high end flex/RB3, but his efficiency and matchup against the Steelers leave much to be desired. Giovani Bernard was surprisingly less involved in the Bengals offensive plan against the Jets than expected. The Steelers are a better matchup for him than Hill, but I would qualify him as a flex play.
• The Big Three, Ben Roethlisberger, Antonio Brown, and DeAngelo Williams (for now) showed how good they are against the Redskins Monday night. Each of them are in the first tier of their respective positions this week against Cincinnati. Eli Rogers made a case for himself as the Steelers’ WR2 and is worth a pickup in deeper leagues just in case, but with Markus Wheaton coming back, and Sammie Coates still vying for his chance, it’s getting a bit muddy for my tastes. Jesse James looks like a decent TE1, getting enough targets, and with plenty of chances in the red zone thanks to the Steelers’ explosive offense. If you need a TE1 replacement, grab him up.

49ers @ Panthers

Blaine Gabbert gets the Panthers this week, and it’s gonna be a disaster. The one fantasy positive on this team in PPR formats, Jeremy Kerley should rack up checkdown targets and make a case for himself as a strong PPR flex – he is one of my top waiver adds this week. Chip Kelly uses the slot receiver heavily. Torrey Smith looks done – he does not play to Gabbert’s talents. Carlos Hyde had a great week against the horrible, awful, no good Rams, but rarely will the 49ers ever be up by multiple scores again this season. That will certainly not be the case against the Panthers. Game flow will render Hyde an RB3, and bring Shaun Draughn in for more passing downs, though I wouldn’t flex him until we see how the targets shake out this week – it could all go to Kerley. Vance MCdonald was able to catch a touchdown, but was otherwise pretty uninvolved. I think his role may increase in future weeks and the touchdown means he’s viable as a streamer.
Cam Newton draws the easiest matchup on paper against the 49ers. He should be a huge part of both this game getting out of hand, as well as running out the clock once the 49ers fate is sealed. He is, as ever, a QB1. Kelvin Benjamin showed last week that he’s still a WR1, and if he can do it against the Broncos he should have no trouble against the 49ers. Greg Olsen is an every week TE1 as a critical part of this offense. Jonathan Stewart gets a much better matchup than last week and can be trusted as an RB2 who will help run out the clock.

Ravens @ Browns

• The Browns defense looked pitiful last week, so we’re gonna want to start some Ravens this week. Joe Flacco goes from QB2 to low-end QB1 with the plus matchup. Steve Smith, though quiet last week, received the most targets (9) on the team, but was inefficient with them. Those targets should translate to production against the Browns, and I’d feel alright about starting him in the WR3/Flex positions in a boom or bust capacity. Mike Wallace also impressed on his 6 targets, showing more efficiency than Steve Smith, putting him in the flex range against the Browns. Kamar Aiken looked uninvolved last week and is safely droppable.
Justin Forsett and Terrance West formed a near even split last week and I would expect that to continue. Getting 10 and 12 carries respectively, I would consider them flexable against the Browns but their upsides are each capped by the other.
• Welp, unfortunately Robert Griffin III was injured Week 1, so Josh McCown will now be leading the charge for the Browns’ offense – and it’s not necessarily a bad thing. It’s an especially nice boost for Gary Barnidge who thrived with McCheckdown in 2015, owners can feel more confident rolling him out as their TE1. Terrelle Pryor and Corey Coleman remain boom or bust WR3s; it will be interesting to see how the targets shake out with McCown under center.
Duke Johnson should also benefit from McCown’s checkdowns in PPR formats – he’s a Flex option against the Ravens.Isaiah Crowell performed fairly well against the Eagles, but I like his outlook slightly less this week against a tougher opponent. He is a touchdown dependent RB3.

Titans @ Lions

Marcus Mariota was serviceable for fantasy purposes against the tough Vikings D, so I like his odds against the defensively inferior Lions. The Lions also have a good offense that could drive the score up on the Titans, forcing Mariota to throw the ball. That’s good news for rookie Tajae Sharpe, who led the team in targets by a wide margin operating as their WR1. Sharpe is a solid WR3/Flex play this week. Delanie Walker did suffer the predicted volume reduction as a result of new additions Sharpe, Rishard Matthews and Andre Johnson. I would give him another chance as your TE1 in this plus matchup, but that is as far as I’d go with the Titans’ passing game.
DeMarco Murray is, for now, in command of this run-first offense backfield over Derrick Henry, which is very good news for Murray’s fantasy owners. He rushed 13 times to Henry’s 5, and was targeted in the passing game 7 times to Henry’s 2. Henry is a great handcuff, but flex value is a stretch right now. Murray, on the other hand, is an every week RB2 with a nice floor thanks to his involvement in the passing game.
Matt Stafford will continue to excel in this offensive scheme in this matchup. The Titans defense doesn’t scare me. I’m rolling out Marvin Jones and Golden Tate as upside WR3s, with preference to Jones who received deeper targets. The Titans defense is good at stopping the run, so I don’t feel good about Ameer Abdullah this week, but given his play last week I think he’s earned RB3/flex consideration. Same goes for Theo Riddick who is a solid flex in PPR. Eric Ebron looks quite involved in the offense and is a nice lower end TE1 play; with his size he should be used in the red zone.

Dolphins @ Patriots

• This should be quick because there are only three fantasy relevant Dolphins. Ryan Tannehill is a mid-to-low end QB2 with Jarvis Landry, a solid PPR WR2, his only dependable receiver. Arian Foster looked good against the Seahawks and I expect him to put up solid RB2 numbers for as long as he’s healthy – start him while you’ve got him.
Jimmy Garoppolo functioned well as a real life football player in Week 1 but will remain only a QB2 for fantasy purposes. Julian Edelman and Chris Hogan served as New England’s top two receivers in terms of offensive snaps played. Edelman is a WR2 until Brady returns, and Hogan is a prime bench stash or desperation flex play. Danny Amendola is either warming up from his injury or is less involved in the offense this season, I wouldn’t trust him. Rob Gronkowski will likely be out another week and yet Martellus Bennett primarily served as a blocker last week. Bennett will be difficult to trust as the Patriots are targeting their WRs for now with Brady out.
• The Patriots should dominate this game, so it figures to be a LeGarrette Blount type of game. I like him for RB2 numbers, with a pretty good shot at the end zone. James White should also be involved, albeit less so than in close games – he’s a flex play in PPR leagues.

Saints @ Giants

• This game has definite shootout appeal because it involves Drew Brees and the ever generous New Orleans defense. Brees is an obvious QB1 but what about his receivers? Well, once again, I would start (almost) everyone I can. Brandin Cooks is an obvious WR1. Willie Snead exploded last week in a very good way but I don’t think anyone is ready to anoint him a WR1 yet – a WR2 though, with upside? Absolutely. Mark Ingram is still an RB1 play against the Giants despite a lackluster performance Week 1 – it remains to be seen if Travaris Cadet’s targets in the passing game will stick or if they were merely a fluke consequence of Brees spreading the ball around. Coby Fleener had a disastrous and concerning week 1, but this is still a great matchup. As an owner myself, I’m treating this as a second and final chance for him to get things going in this prolific offense – start a safer option if possible, but don’t drop him yet. Michael Thomas is a flex play in this offense where anybody could explode – the 6 targets last week weren’t bad either.
• With three solid wide receiver options to throw the ball too Eli Manning is looking more and more like a true QB1 this season. Odell Beckham is an automatic WR1 start – the Cowboys just proved last week that they are offensive kryptonite with their clock killing playstyle, which slowed Beckham down. Victor Cruz and Sterling Shepard received 4 targets apiece, which should increase in this shootout, and each caught a touchdown. Both are viable flex plays this week. I don’t see too much value in the tight end situation between Larry Donnell and Will Tye but I suppose you could take a shot on one if truly desperate in a deep league.
Rashad Jennings should be able to get more going this week against the Saints putrid defense. I like him as an RB2 in this contest. Shane Vereen will come into play when the Giants are down and is passable as a low end flex.

Buccaneers @ Cardinals

• The Buccaneers begin their nightmare schedule against the Cardinals at home. Jameis Winston becomes a high end QB2 against this very tough defense. Mike Evans will be covered heavily by Patrick Peterson which will impact his floor and ceiling – Evans is still a good WR2 play on the basis of volume and talent. Vincent Jackson was targeted just as much as Evans, but did not look nearly as good – he is not even a flex play in this tough matchup. Despite the TD, Austin Seferian-Jenkins is in a muddled timeshare with fellow TEs Brandon Myers and Cameron Brate. I would have a hard time trusting any Buccaneer TE.
Doug Martin received the heavy workload we were all hoping for and that should continue in week 2. Roll him out as a nice RB2 this week. Charles Sims showed off his tackle breaking ability and safe flex floor last week, and that will continue in this game. Start him safely as a flex with upside for more if the Buccaneers go down hard early and need to pass.
Carson Palmer proved me wrong in Week 1 and turned in a solid QB1 performance in Week 1, and I expect it to continue against an easier opponent in Week 2. With this array of weapons, it is hard to deny Palmer will be good most of the season. Larry Fitzgerald laughs in the face of time and dominated against the Patriots last week, he will be a low end WR1 this week. Michael Floyd was the next WR up for the Cardinals, and makes for a rock solid WR3 play. John Brown played significantly last snaps than Fitzgerald and Floyd, and is a low end flex play at best. David Johnson is a beautiful unicorn of an every-down back and you’ve gotta start him as an RB1 every week.

Seahawks @ Rams

• The Rams usually keep these divisional games interesting but Russell Wilson is a QB1 regardless. Doug Baldwin is in play as a WR2 as the most targeted player on the team by far. Tyler Lockett was the next most targeted player in the passing game, but his role is still uncertain – he’s a risky WR3. Jermaine Kearse was the third passing option for Seattle and not one that I’m interested in for fantasy purposes. Jimmy Graham can still not be trusted coming off of his patellar tendon injury. Thomas Rawls started the second half of week 1 and became more involved. Pete Carroll said after the game that Rawls’ workload is clear to be increased. This spells the likely end of the Awakening of Christine Michael barring an injury to Rawls. Rawls will be an RB2 against the Rams and Michael would be a risky flex.
• I have never seen a scene as gruesome as the one I witnessed on Monday night. Case Keenum looked clueless, and the offense looked uninterested in winning as the Rams went for punt after punt after INT after punt after INT after punt. Some people think Todd Gurley will bounce back – I’m legitimately concerned about his chances of doing so. Gameflow is going to be a huge hindrance on his performance, and defenses will stack the box on him if Keenum continues to be under center. I’m not so sure Jared Goff or Sean Mannion would improve things over Keenum either. It is truly worrying and I would only feel safe starting Gurley as my RB3 against a much tougher Seahawks defense. There is no way you can consider starting any Rams passing option for the foreseeable future. May God have mercy on their souls.

Jaguars @ Chargers

Blake Bortles draws a nice matchup against the Chargers who just got lit up by Alex Smith – he’s a QB1 this week. Allen Robinson, as always, is an elite WR1 start, and you can expect good things in this matchup (EDIT: as noted by space_is_fun Robinson may be covered by CB Jason Verrett, which should negatively impact his floor and ceiling, but I still like him to produce WR2 numbers with upside). In a potential shootout Allen Hurns will be a solid WR3/Flex as a threat to enter the end zone. Monitor his injury situation, but if he suits up you can feel good about starting Julius Thomas as your TE1. Although inefficient in Week 1, TJ Yeldon gets one of the worst defenses against the run and should put up good RB2 fantasy numbers once again this week as long as Chris Ivory is held out as expected.
Philip Rivers is just not playing at his ceiling without Keenan Allen and I can’t endorse him as more than a low-end QB1 without him. However, other members of this offense will see their roles increase. Antonio Gates sees his already considerable redzone upside increase a bit, so fire him up as a TE1 with as good a chance as anyone to score a TD. Travis Benjamin and Tyrell Williams will see the biggest boost out of the receiving corps. Benjamin is the early favorite for a production increase but I believe Williams is the one you want to own in the end; he has the size and athletic ability to become special if things work out. Danny Woodhead should see 2015 levels of production once more; he was involved heavily in Week 1 even when the Chargers were up. Woodhead is a boom or bust RB2, much like in 2015. Woodhead nearly doubled Melvin Gordon’s snap count in week 1, which is concerning for Gordon’s outlook. If Gordon is not the primary back when the Chargers have a lead (not the case Week 1) it will be hard to trust him outside of an RB3/flex capacity.

Falcons @ Raiders

• Another game with shootout potential, I like Matt Ryan’s chances at QB1 numbers in this game throwing to a nice array of weapons. Julio Jones is an every-week WR1. Mohamed Sanu if active, looks worthy of low-end WR2, definite WR3/Flex consideration with his impressive 8 targets. Jacob Tamme received the kind of volume (8 targets) that makes for decent TE streamers in good matchups like this one. Tevin Coleman and Devonta Freeman are in the throes of a full blown RBBC, and who does better in any given week is anyone’s guess at this point; Coleman has the hot hand right now. Both are excellent flexes and low floor RB2s.
Derek Carr will benefit from yet another high scoring game to put up QB1 numbers. Amari Cooper should, like Mike Evans a week ago, put up WR1 numbers against the Falcons. Michael Crabtree is an underrated bet to put up solid WR2 numbers, even if followed by Trufant he will get the volume to overcome it. Latavius Murray will be a lock for RB2 production with volume on his side. Jalen Richard was a fluke on only 3 carries. Clive Walford is a fringe TE streaming option.

Colts @ Broncos

Andrew Luck and the Colts get a rough matchup on the road against the Broncos, who should be able to exploit the Colts’ porous offensive line and rough Luck up. I’d prefer to stream decent QBs with better matchups over him this week. That’s bad news for TY Hilton, Donte Moncrief, and Phillip Dorsett in the passing game, though they still hold plenty of value as a WR2, high end flex and low end flex respectively. Dwayne Allen is still a TE1, as the Broncos are surprisingly generous to the tight end position from a fantasy perspective. Frank Gore should get swallowed up by the Denver defense behind that bad o-line, he is a risky RB3.
Trevor Siemian isn’t anybody you’d ever want to start but he can support fantasy viable receivers. Demaryius Thomas is currently questionable to play coming off of a hip injury, and I’d feel very risky starting him this week unless better news comes out closer to game time; with the news I have now I’d say sit him for better options if you can. Thomas’ loss is Emmanuel Sanders gain however, and he should rack up a ton of targets against the Colts this week for solid WR2 numbers. Virgil Green looks like a favorite of Siemian’s and although he had a mediocre week, he got the requisite targets for a streaming tight end (5) and was also targeted in the end zone. You could do worse for your streamer or fill in. CJ Anderson will continue rolling to RB1 numbers this week against the Colts who couldn’t even contain Ameer Abdullah last week.

Packers @ Vikings

• The Vikings are a tough defense, so expect a middling performance for Aaron Rodgers – although a middling performance from Aaron Rodgers is still a QB1. To give you an idea, he has averaged 17.225 Yahoo standard fantasy points in his last four games against Minnesota. With the offense fully healthy once again, Jordy Nelson and Randall Cobb should be locks to produce WR2 numbers. Davante Adams received just two fewer targets than Jordy Nelson last week, and only one fewer than Cobb. He failed to haul in more than half of them but made a catch where it counted in the end zone. He may have taken a step forward since last year and should be on the flex radar if he can keep it up. Eddie Lacy should have no problem racking up solid RB2 numbers week in and week out with the offense running smoothly again. Jared Cook and Richard Rodgers have knocked one another out of fantasy relevancy barring an injury or a breakout; don’t start ‘em til they prove it.
Shaun Hill is out, Sam Bradford is in. Hopefully it won’t affect Stefon Diggs who was on fire last week with his 9 targets – I believe he is talented enough t o warrant WR3 consideration each and every week. Kyle Rudolph rose from the dead Week 1, finishing as a decent starting TE. If you’re desperate at the position you could do a lot worse if he keeps up his target share. Adrian Peterson had a miserable Week 1, but should bounce back to post at least low end RB2 numbers this week. His lack of involvement in the passing game is concerning, and time may be catching up with him. If that’s the case, there’s little fantasy owners have to hope for in terms of his efficiency improving – so let’s hope it was just a bad week because the defense didn’t respect Shaun Hill. I’ll be watching Jerick McKinnon to see if offseason hype about him holding standalone flex value on third down was legitimate or just smoke.

Eagles @ Bears

Carson Wentz looked pretty good against the Browns, and is worthy of streamer consideration against the Bears in Week 2. Zach Ertz will be out for some time with a rib injury, and that means Jordan Matthews will be locked into a heavy workload similar to the one he received in Week 1. Matthews is a high upside WR2 in this matchup – volume is king, and he’s talented. Ryan Mathews should have a slightly tougher time this week against the Bears as compared to the Browns; he's still an RB2 on volume however. Darren Sproles is a dual threat as a runner and pass catcher but he was relatively uninvolved last week in favor of Mathews, he’s a low end flex in my book. Nelson Agholor is too unproven with too small a target share for me to trust him in my lineup.
Jay Cutler is a mid to low end QB2 with only one viable weapon in the passing game. Alshon Jeffery should feast this week with Eagles’ top corner Leodis McKelvin likely out with a hamstring injury – he’s a solid low end WR1. Jeremy Langford operated as a true bellcow in week 1 and we should expect a good week of RB2 production since he’s going against the Eagles who allowed Isaiah Crowell to go for 5.17 YPC. Zach Miller and Kevin White struggled last week, which I don’t anticipate changing here; if anything it solidifies and justifies Alshon’s role as the one true playmaker in this offense.
Thanks for reading! As always feel free to leave your questions in the comments all week. I am a fantasy degenerate and am more than happy answering questions about it all the time.
If you enjoyed this consider checking out this thread about the Fantasy Collective, a fantasy team drafted and managed by the popular vote of redditors like yourself. We’re setting our lineup today so just pop in, vote for who you would start, and you’re done!
Best of luck to all in Week 2!
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Tokugawa Kaiten Labyrinth - Ooku: Finale

Section 1
Section 2 Part 1 Part 2
Section 3 Part 1 Part 2
Section 4 Part 1 Part 2
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7 Part 1 Part 2
Section 8
Section 9
Section 10 Part 1 Part 2

Section 11 – Closing Act

We stand outside of the Ooku, now free with the defeat of Kama.
We can confirm…that Beast III/L has been completely obliterated.
We did it…we won, Master!
Nice! It was a narrow victory for sure, but I’ve got no complaints over our huge triumph!
It was my first time dealing with a Beast, but we got the best ending possible!
[Will everyone come back now?]
Of course! Just look over there, the very first person’s been set free!
Uuh…I can’t eat any more…smack smack.
Mr. Gordolf seems to be the same Mr. Gordolf as always.
The servants and people of the castle used as materials should also be returning to where they should be.
That includes the spirits of the shoguns packed into those pillboxes, too.
I’m so relieved, and I too --- should be returning the same as they are.
Ah, also, this was in the dark, central pillar of that labyrinth. It’s a holy grail, or something?
It seems to be important, because I came to possess it after uprooting the pillar. I’ve been clinging to for a while now.
[Lady Kasuga…] / [Thank you so much!]
Please, do not look so somber.
Come now, is this a time for your temporary wet nurse to scold and chastise you?
At times of parting, there is no need to contort your eyebrows in dejection!
It’s crucial to stay positive! …You know that.
This is farewell then...
Fufu. That much is expected now. I will be returning to how I was before I became a spirit.
If such a bizarre circumstance hadn’t happened, if Paru-sama had not graciously extended her hand to me, then I would have just been a woman sleeping for eternity.
…At present, I sit before a dream of Nirvana. It may be good for this to end now.
Now, I am free from the devotion of an improper form of love, free from an unsightly, lingering regret to stroke at their breasts, and can rest quietly.
I would like to leave everything after me up to Munenori-dono…
Yagyuu begins to fade as well.
Apologies. It appears that my time has come. I am a single step ahead of you, and must return to Charudeas.
My old bones have been thoroughly whipped around.
Goodness. Even the unparalleled Yagyuu cannot defeat old age. Are you well aware that Iemitsu-sama would scold you for this?
I do not mind you serving a new lord, but you cannot abandon your current duties mid-way!
"I don’t remember such a good for nothing being appointed as the martial instructor! Ryuu-tan is the coolest!", something like that.
That pains my ears.
[Thanks for all you’ve done!] / [See you on the other side]
I am in your debt.
So this is what it means to be a sahvant. It’s strange…fufufu.
What is so funny?
It’s nothing. I was just imagining things a little bit.
If something was different, maybe I could be summoned too.
Wielding my naginata, fighting together with Munenori-dono with [Guda]-dono’s lead, while also ensuring their proper upbringing…
I look forward to having a chance like that, no, to have a dream like that after I pass away.
[A Lancer, huh] / [I hope to see you again, someday]
…Perhaps you may call upon her one day, my Lord.
O-Fuku-Dono has experience aside from being a wet nurse, including talents with martial arts, and being a professional in standing watch. As is expected, because of the blood of Inaba and Fujiwara in her veins.
I had also peeked into some practice sessions with our Lord, and I observed her using some of the techniques of the school of Yagyuu.
She is truly a great woman.
Fufufu. If I have Munenori-dono’s permission, then the chance isn’t nil, right?
Now then, I cannot just discard the one who doted on me first.
I think a chance can appear for us to meet again…and I wish to see you then too.
After all. For a truly long time, I was you, and you were me.
We’re like a pair of trusted roommates now, aren’t we?
Also, there are various things about child-upraising that I wish to hear more about from you.
I would especially like to hear about what to do in the scenario where your husband chops off your sons head, and similar events!
T-that’s a way more difficult kind of question…! But I’ll have to think of an answer for you when next we meet!
Aah, the time has come…I must apologize for being so fidgety, but Mata Hari-sama, Scherazado-sama, you both took care of me in such difficult times. Please stay in good health!
The two girls smile at Kasuga’s lingering soul.
[Guda]-dono. I cannot pet your head any longer.
If only through my emotions, as a wet nurse I wish to coddle you until the end.
You are such a good child. Stay as you are, and please stay upright as you continue to grow…
[ (Somehow, I can feel her patting my head) ]
Ah…it appears that it’s truly time to part ways. I will never forget the hospitality you all gave me.
I pray that someday, somewhere, I may be able to return the favor, but here I will take my leave---
Kasuga’s spirit vanishes, and the singularity begins to close.
I will be going as well. Thank you.
Yagyuu follows her lead, and dematerializes to Chaldea.
…Now then. It feels lonelier, but we’ve retrieved a holy grail and everything’s safe. So, in a bit---
Parvati begins to fade away.
Ah, I apologize. It’s my time as well.
I used my full strength to but a stop to Kama, and it appears that I was a bit more tired than I thought…
But, I am quite thoroughly satisfied. We put a stop to that reckless sameface.
Yeah, it was impressive how you had the same host, but it must suck for that host to have such a close enough connection to that God that they could become a Beast.
To tell you the truth, I was worried about how shameless Kama was.
The degree of exposure that she presented with the same body as I, was…if I see her somewhere else, I may not be able to look her in the eyes…
No wait a moment, there’s something more important. Something I just remembered. I’m in a bit of self-denial about it, but…
Parvati stops her return to Chaldea.
Before I disappear, there’s something serious to discuss with you. Something that’s started to worry me.
[What is it?]
In Kama’s time here, no matter how you put it, the presence of Mara was much stronger than her own.
That is what led to Beast III surfacing.
But such a thing should be impossible.
It may be Kama’s body, but it is parallel to Mara. Shiva and the other gods hold an intrinsic authority over their existence…
It’s not simple for that side to surface, as the gods’ effects prevent Mara’s influence from being strengthened.
Mata Hari:
But, they did wind up appearing, right? In this reality they successfully turned into a Beast.
Yes. That’s why it’s strange. They somehow managed to slip past the gaze of the God Shiva.
Do you happen to have any idea how? What sort of irregularity could cause such a phenomenon…
Hm…I may have one. It’s seems impossible, but---
Perhaps, something effected all of the gods of India, maybe because of how the Earth has become now…?
Now that you mention it, the next Lostbelt that we’ve been heading towards is the Indian Lostbelt.
There may be a connection to this there. It’s not impossible, right?
I’m sorry, I cannot be precise on what it is. But there may be some sort of explanation there…
However, again, I’m sorry. I would like to assist you in the India, but it appears that this is as far as I can go for now…
In my place, I should be able to send someone else to help…someone should come to you there…
[You’ve already helped a lot, it’s alright] / [We don’t want to force you, Parvati]
No, no. Please accept my apologies, [Guda]-san.
It was your cooperation that let us defeat that Beast of Calamity.
The world is still bleached white, the Lostbelts remain, and the Crypters still present difficulties for us, but…
I’m sure you call can do it. Please, everyone, do your very best out there!
Parvati takes her leave.
[…Yeah, I'm sure we will.]
Oh, Senpai. Da Vinchi-chan and Holmes-san have returned safe and sound.
E-even though my abilities are limited now, I’ll be helping you with everything I’ve got.
I believe that nothing can stop us!
And I know that Sion-san is here for us when things get thick!
You bet: even in times like this, where we had to face the inverse side of Kama!
Now! Without further ado, I’ll begin your preparations to return home.
Oh, I hope you haven’t forgotten about our carefree, snoring Lord either.
Even if it is kinda unfortunate that he lost his topknot!
With our mission done, Chaldea-Life goes back to normal. In the cafeteria…
Hmhmhmmm, hmhmm~
Mata Hari begins to come up to her from behind.
Mata Hari:
That smells yummy~. Ufufu, what’re you cooking up today?
Hey, don’t just pop up behind me while I’m cooking. It’s dangerous.
It may smell great, but that’s normal, isn’t it? It’s Britannia style stew.
Mata Hari:
It’s been such a long time since I’ve felt so great. I really…yeah, I’m really looking forward to it.
There’s no need to be so formal about it but --- I thank you. There’s a lot to it.
Mata Hari:
Oh please, even though I hardly did anything~?
In any case, in exchange for giving thanks for the others as well, today I’ll let you stir it like we used to do so long ago.
Like this...and like that...and it’s done, so let go, let go.
Come now, it’s fine that you’re holding onto my belly, but I still have the knife in my hands.
This is why it’s not good to come up from behind. Got it?
Mata Hari:
I'm just doing this to make sure it's really you…Ufufu. Thanks, momma.
Huh, do you still not understand? It’d be a big problem if the children saw us and starting to dangerously imitate these unsafe kitchen practices---
Fou sees the two of them, and jumps on top of their heads. The girls laugh together, and we move to Scheherazade hanging out with Nitocris.
…And that’s how the story goes.
Hmfhmfhmf. You put in a considerable amount of depth into that story. This is why you’d be great as a spokesperson!
…So, would you tell me more stories about them?
Maybe an episode that’s like, “Meanwhile”? Can you tell one like that? Fidget, fidget
Of course I can. Now, let us continue the story. Meanwhile---
(….Oh? How strange, even though I asked her to continue…)
(She would always say “That’s enough for tonight” around now…)
(Well, whatever!)
(Maybe Scheherazade has been anticipating the chance to tell more tales tonight too…)
(I’m always looking forward to hearing her stories! This is great!)
Scheherazade continues to tell stories, and we move to the hallways.
While they appeared to be cool stories---
There was no doubt that she was making up for lost time, as the professional storyteller thoroughly reflecting upon the times she missed being together with her.
Murasaki Shikibu:
Awawawa, it went off by itself!?
I thought that I could receive inspiration from her by asking her to chat…
…but there shall other chances to do so.
From the hallway, we check in on the Control Room.
Da Vinchi:
This goes like, this. And then that goes…here…oh, is that it?
Our firewall is now operating normally. This should prevent events like this from happening again.
Da Vinchi:
What a pain, we still were on guard for a while there.
“One of Chaldea’s Staff members was brainwashed, and was able to make a direct assault on the control room”…
It was done by the feat of a Beast, but we didn’t even predict something like that could happen.
It’s irritating how it wasn’t even that clever, but slipped by us. I guess it’s because it was a very tenacious (human) method?
Although now we can reflect upon it! I still have a ways to go before I’m like the me of before.
I need to prepare for all kinds of assumptions like this.
I think it may be impossible to handle everything, but I can’t be without proper counter measures at least★~
Ahh. However, this time…no, once again, I was regrettably unable to get any data before it was over.
Class – Beast…I know about them from their presence in Chaldea’s battle records, but this time we had an opportunity to directly observe them.
Da Vinchi:
Oho. You would’ve been up to directly advise them out of interest for Beasts? If you’re not careful about that, couldn’t your saint graph get infringed upon?
I would see the dangers present, and move to ascertain proper countermeasures.
To show off, I even have a special lens always at ready for such an occasion.
Da Vinchi:
Well, destiny didn’t present itself for you this time, did it?
If you had such a “Rendezvous” with Beast III, their emphasis on power would spell ill for someone like you.
That much is certain. With the battle records I can observe, it would be more relieving to have a conceptual battle mounted against them.
If I’m going by a theoretical scale, then the deadlock situation could be broken in battle --- It is truly, truly a pity. I could’ve used my full capabilities as a detective.
Thanks for the hard work, Da Vinchi-chan, Mr. Holmes.
Here, let's have a tea break. And I have some home-made sakura mochi to go with the tea.
Da Vinchi:
Whoo-hoo! Thanks!
…mu, this is great. The sweet, natural flavors spread through your whole mouth!
Phew, I’m back to work as usual too.
Oh, are you having a coffee break? Mind if I squeeze right in?
Of course not, come on over!
Mm~, this is relaxing…oh, by the way. The moods gone back to normal too, but.
---We really can call this a win-win, can’t we?
Hoho, how’s the Hamster Wheel Power Generator? Might really be labor torture or something though… (Chew chew)
Shit, don’t look at me while eating away like that! Calories…oooh, calories…
Da Vinchi:
Hey, the speed on the treadmill’s going down!
C’mon, c’mon! Keep up that aerobic exercise, keep it up!
Aggh, damn it!
Da Vinchi:
Well, you’re like this at all because you kept on eating and drinking and eating and drinking…
Once he got back, I slapped Gordolf-kun around because his health diagnostic report had come back with D- grades in all categories.
We can at least get his health standards back to the levels that they were before like this, since it’s likely that work would become difficult for him like this. It bothers me how his lifestyle disease made him go down so much though.
Ah. Is that what that thing's for?
Da Vinchi:
Yep. Special made by I, Da Vinchi: the Special Diet Program.
It may be a bit demanding, but in just three days time this dream course will see you back to tip top shape!
Ah, naturally, a dietary restriction is included, Gordolf-kun. For now, just don’t think about eating.
Whaaaa!? But there’s such a delicious smell in the air right now!
Da Vinchi:
You’re the one who kept eating like the ruler of a country at such a lavish banquet, so there’s really no helping you know, y’know?
Your grudge is from the laws of calorie preservations, so that’s the only thing to really blame here.
SH…….SHIT! This is why I said that reyshifting wasn’t good for anything!!!
Somewhere, in Kama’s personal universe…
Goodness me. Would you look at this. A sweet falling star seems to have been blown all the way here from who knows where.
A fixed star had been pulled to fall, and since it looked so pathetic after being burned to ash, I thought to scoop it up myself---
Yet, isn’t this unexpected?
Kama finds herself inside of a gargantuan palm.
What the hell kind of situation is this? How could you even be here?
This is my Inner Universe, where only guests I personally invite can enter.
Oh dear. Such severe asceticism, to be burned by the sun even in your own mind. I’m impressed.
I am tormented by that discipline myself, yet I could not go as far as you have.
As expected of the one who “Seeks to love all of Mankind”, you lack the means of “Loving yourself”.
You burn your body once your purpose has been fulfilled, as if you are a rabbit who becomes nourishment for the starving enlightened one.
Why would I ignore someone with such a lewd (pure) heart like yourself?
Shut up for a second. Better yet: disappear. The parable you chose got on every single one of my nerves.
Aah, right. That’s right. You’re the one who was burned away by my blaze.
So you were able to stay in my universe because of that. You’re persistent.
Having not been completely scrubbed away, you managed to build yourself up like mold.
So, why’d you bother doing that? Did you come here just to laugh at me?
Just like you think, I’m a beast (dog) who lost. I don’t have any worth whatsoever anymore.
You’re one of the clear victors, so you should have a seat waiting for you in the real world.
I don’t care what happens now. I have no reason no stop you. Unless---
As Beast III, do you come here to consume me? Black and white. Yin and Yang. Seems like together we form a perfect body.
Unbelievable. We can surely never become one.
You are the one who gives. I am the one who is given to.
You are the infinite girl of hell. I am the colossal girl of hell.
We are both Beast born from “Pleasure”, but our orientations are polar opposites.
We are not two halves (left and right) that can join hands together, but enemies who repel each other back-to-back---.
Taking something like that into myself, yes, it would be very very bad for my stomach.
Kama glares at her.
---I see. So you didn’t deem me as one of your buddies to come and save again.
…So, what is it. What did my contrast come here for.
You don’t wanna cannibalize me after all, don’tcha?
Goodness, what a scary face. I should get the important matters done first then. Shall I?
Ufufu. Piece of cake.
Something happens with a white flash.
WHA!? What the hell did you just do!?
Come now…you should already know that. You want me to go and say it myself, how mean!
Ah, no, I and everyone else know full well know that your personality is just the worst.
Do you not want a chance to redeem yourself? Do you not want to be continuously misunderstood?
I don’t need things like that! There’s nothing to misunderstand, my personality is the worst!
Uuwah…disgusting…I feel like throwing up. It’s fishy, raw, and sickly sweet…
How could you even stand such a situation? No way, no way! That’s truly sickening!
Once you get used to it, the suffering becomes easier.
Well, perhaps someone as tactless as yourself can’t do it---
But this is a duty for the defeated. An opportunity to stockpile on good karma for your next life.
A time to openly ally with such bonds, indeed…please obediently work like a dog, alright?
Ch…so this is my fate as the defeated. Alright, fine.
But just so you know, I really don’t understand how the conversation took such a turn, alright?
Consider it a form of punishment.
I speak generally for the others who received such harsh troubles.
You should at least accumulate proper deeds while lending a hand to the world.
The Hand casts another flash of white.
Great, an imitation halo. Could you cut that out? Now matter how much you pretend to be a Bodhisattva, we can still see what your true intentions are.
“Don’t good is suffering for you, so I’ll have you suffer by earnestly doing good things”
You should just come out and say it. Must suck to get old. You got carefully pick your words depending on your surroundings.
----------Goodness. Ufufu. Ufufufufufu.
The palm begins to close.
Hey. Hold on, I take it back! We’re both the same age in body and mind!
The palm opens a bit.
In any case, the bond has been made.
This should be fine for you, since you love humans so much, correct?
In that case, there should be no problems here, yes?
-------------You go right for the throat. I don’t have anything to rebuke what you’ve said.
Don't you?
Being Innumerable; I vow to save them all. Ways of Buddha Insurmountable; I vow to accomplish them all---
I thought that I wished to save the God of Love who had ended up as a Beast.
Well, once I am gone from this place, it is likely that I will forget about you being a Beast.
Sigh. In the end, you did this for your own pleasure…but, that’s right.
This means that now, I have a another chance to surpass you, doesn’t it?
(“Yes --- you had claimed to be the personification of infinite love. But you don’t have the love from watching over others as they grow, do you?”)
(The Love of watching over others, huh…how offensive. But fine, I’ll give it a whirl.)
(I’d be fine if they fall to my temptations, and if they don’t, then they’ll grow somehow…through endurance maybe?)
(I may not know, but in any case, all I need to do is watch them, right? This’ll be such…an easy win)
Fufu. Ufufufu. If things get really good, I might even be able to board with Parvati.
Aah, I’d hate that so much. I’d be too much hate for me --- but if I think about it, I could harass her while abiding by the laws.
That girl would melt for sure if she saw me seducing others. Fufufu…
Fufu. It is crucial to find something akin to joy in an occupation that is naught by suffering.
---Now, this is goodbye. To the one I am decisively incompatible with, the woman who bestows infinite love.
---Yes, goodbye. To the one I am decisively incompatible with, the woman who pilfers all love away.
Each of them, until the end of days, will continue to pursue the pleasure they desire at full force, towards a non-existing end---
In another time and place, Lady Kasuga sits under a full moon at night.
…Phew. Did someone leave the sliding doors open?
O-Kasuga-sama! Please rest…your body is in a sickly shape.
It’s alright. Besides, this is good timing: the moon’s come out. I had actually wanted to see it.
I shall leave you be, then. But only for a short while.
The maid closes the door and sits by her.
Aah…a beautiful evening, lit by the moon. The air is fresh. The color of the sky is painted a beautiful color…
I agree.
Under this sky, lies the peaceful world of the Tokugawas.
A pace begun by Iemitsu, fastened by Hidetada, and solidified under the watch of Iemitsu.
And yet --- someday, the era of the Tokugawas will end.
At the end of it all, this sky will be the same sky as always. And the country will be as tranquil as always.
Mu. O-Kasuga-Sama. If our Lord caught wind of that, he would fail to catch the good humors of that. Speaking of the Tokugawas ending.
Fufu…well then, I wonder if he would.
If the way I raised them was correct, then my Lord too…shall love this child called Japan.
I think he would make the proper judgment, and turn my remarks away with laughter…
What, we will be talked about in one hundred, perhaps two hundred years. This is only a fantasy. It should be alright for me to be private with you.
Ah…I understand, I will take special care not to speak of this.
You’re are, such a good child.
Please keep doing your best, after I go.
Maid :
…I will.
Aah…I still can’t find it in me to rest. I’m sorry, could you get the door…
I’ll get it for you. Ah, since you look to be in a good condition today, I will make you some porridge. Please wait a moment.
And please rest easy, O-Kasuga-sama.
The maid returns inside, and closes the sliding door.
Under the moon, Kasuga-no-Tsubone begins to slowly close her eyes.
---Enter the West
Invite the Moon
Follow the Law.
Will I be able to escape
the burning house today ---

Tokugawa World Changing Labyrinth - End

It took a bit of time, but clocking in at 198 formatted pages and roughly 60,000 words, this event is done! This event is personally my new favorite, tied with Summerfes. Best of luck rolling for Kama and Kiara when they come around again, and here's further hoping to Lady Kasuga appearing as a servant! Thanks for reading!
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